Sitting at the Table: Connecting Christians and Muslims
Today I share this space with Nita Thomason–friend, teacher and accomplished writer. We want to give you an account of the growing friendships we have been cultivating with a group of women both similar and different from ourselves, with the hope that you might connect with your neighbors, wherever in the world you live. Many Christians have negative attitudes toward Muslims. The violent actions of a few, as well as economic pressure, have led to these attitudes in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Americans have negative sentiments as well. Pew Research documented these in 2014*. The months of bitter dialogue in the U.S. during and after the 2016 presidential…
Fight for Intimacy with Friends and God…right around your own table
This Friday and Saturday tens of thousands of women around the world will gather in homes, churches and Austin City Limits Live to enjoy the second IF: Gathering. I loved sitting on a friend’s comfy couch last February to watch the simulcast (my review). Also loved following up around a monthly IF: Table to share dinner and our life with God: 6 women, 4 questions, 2 hours. But you don’t have to sign up for IF: Table to be intentional about inviting the life and power of Jesus into a circle of friends sharing a meal. In his famous description of the armor of God in Ephesians 6 I…
Praying for the Muslim World During Ramadan
This week Muslims began their month of fasting during the daylight hours. Timed according to the lunar calendar, in 2022 the month of Ramadan ends at sundown on May 1 followed by a celebration, Eid al-Fitr, when friends and family will gather and celebrate the end of Ramadan. Ramadan, an ideal time to pray for Muslims around the world, also gives you an opportunity to tell Muslims you are praying for them. Many will be surprised and pleased that you know about their practices. These resources equip you to have an impact on Muslims through prayer and help you grow in your knowledge of them: Lift up Muslims around the…
Where is Your Faith?
He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him? Luke 8:25, (ESV), italics and bold mine. Ever lost your confidence in Christ—in His love, His power and promises—during a severe storm of life? Ever felt disoriented and you couldn’t figure out solutions? Instead you felt suffocated from the drowning waves of a bad storm that relentlessly came at you. We know crisis can come at any time. So we stay alert and watch carefully. Sometimes things seem pretty calm and then wham! You…
God’s Thoughts and Ways – Part I (Jeroboam)
God thinks and does things differently than we think and do (Isaiah 55:8,9). However, we are commanded to learn to think as God thinks and learn to understand His ways (Romans 12:2).
Discover Prayer (Part II): Seek Only Our Heavenly Father’s Glory!
When I was a child, my family had a dog named Angus by my father because this Labrador appeared like a Black Angus cow. He was an outdoor dog who loved playing with me and my two brothers and sister. We could count on him meeting us when we walked home from school via a path through a cotton field. Sometimes, he would even meet my older brother and me in the gym at school, to the consternation of our coach! He wanted to be with us, even to sit quietly in the cool evening breeze, enjoying a sunset together. He was loyal, and although he enjoyed what we did…
Discover Prayer (Part I): We Must Ask!
We must ask our Heavenly Father for what we need, want, and desire.
The Seasons of Life
Time is our Biggest Resource by Lucille WilliamsSitting in church on a Sunday morning our pastor* said, “Many of you will run out of timebefore you run out of money.”Let that sit for a minute.It hit hard with me. Even during times of financial struggle I’ve never missed a meal ornot had a warm bed to sleep in.But time has run out on me in many ways.Nights of nursing my babies. Holding my treasured blessings and snuggling in themiddle of the night. That season is gone.Hearing little feet run through my house and seeing black permanent marker on myhallway walls. Not to mention the little “darling” who carved his name…
The Feasts of Israel – The Day of Atonement(s) (Yom Kippur)
These are the Lord’s appointed times, holy assemblies, which you must proclaim at their appointed time. (Leviticus 23:4 NET)
How to Have a MeaningfulRelationship with Your Kid
Author: Lucille Williams There’s a video circulating where parents are asked, Who would you most like to havedinner with?Some of the answers were: Paul Hogan, Justin Bieber, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix…It’s fun to watch what people say and see how their spouses respond to the answer.But what was most interesting was when the parents’ kids were interviewed and askedthe same question…Who would you most like to have dinner with?“Does it have to be someone famous?” one boy asked.The interviewer said, “No.”This boy then answered, “Family.”One child said, “Mom and Dad.”Another, “Family.”“Mom and Dad.”One child talked about sitting around the dinner table talking about her day andhearing about her mom and…