
A Habit a Day

Sunday School Chronicles

Me: Y’all may not know this but I used to be in youth group too!

Kids: Really? You did? No way.

Me: Way. I wasn’t always the fabulous adult that stands before you. I was also a youth who was learning to be fabulous!

Kid 1: Ms. Janay!

Me: Haha! It’s true! Back when I was in youth group, my church made sure we had Proverbs 3:5-6 memorized. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.” Why do you think the adults constantly told us those verses?

Kid 2: Because they thought it was important?

Kid 3: So you would trust God?

Me: Yes to both! Who plays sports? Or does theater and performance arts? Or is really into tech and gaming? *all hands go up* Good! So let’s say you’ve been doing it for the last 5 years and you meet someone who just started. Will you probably do better than them?

Kids: Yeah.

Me: Why?

Kid 2: Because we’ve been doing it for a long time and they haven’t. We got to practice and be better.

Me: Exactly! If I’ve been teaching you this verse for years and about how trustworthy God is, and telling you to go to God about everything, big and small then you’ll be more likely to do it versus someone who just learned about God yesterday. Every Sunday, my job is to teach you things that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Just like you don’t have to think about doing simple things because it’s a habit, I’m trying to teach you that trusting God should be a habit too.

Reflect: Learning to trust God is hard. But if you trust Him with the things you think are little then over time, it’ll be easier to lean on Him with the bigger things. What’s one thing you can trust God with right now?

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