
Are you riding in first class or less?

1 Cor 3 “First Class or Third Class?”

Children enjoy visuals to understand the work of salvation. One that they love are trains which we have few of being used today, but many have either ridden on one or have a trains setup for Christmas. Teachers, you can set up a train set for them and then use that as your visual. Set the scene by explaining the different tickets that are needed because everyone needs a ticket to ride the train. Some people are traveling in first class, these are the saved. Others are traveling in third class, they are saved but not producing fruit. Talk about the Fruit of the Spirit here using pictures and the words of Galatians 5. Also explain that there those who are riding in the baggage car, these are the unsaved and they are traveling with other’s baggage and also their own. Ask: Do we want to ride there?

Just as we want our children to ride in the first class they need that ticket that comes with conversion so they can produce fruit that is everlasting. There was a church in the NT that the Apostle Paul was teaching. He wanted to teach them but they were like babies who can only feed on milk. He is reminded that their first class ticket meant they were like a temple of the Lord, perfect and holy. Others had the right ticket, that is they were saved but they were not producing the Fruit of the Spirit.

Remind them that only those with the first class ticket can ride in the first class car if they have given their lives to Jesus. Ask the children which car they would prefer to ride in?

As we teach this chapter, the question before us is: Are we traveling this route in life in first class or third class or worse are we in the baggage car? Remember only those who have chosen Jesus as Savior can ride in the first class compartment.

Close in prayer asking each child to search their heart and see if they have the right ticket to go to heaven. Their first class ticket means they are saved. Which ticket are they holding?

Materials: train pictures or a train set up, pictures of the Fruit of the Spirit, sets of tickets resembling all the choices they can make.

Coordinator of the Heartprints Blog Page: Gaye-Ellen Austin or SonShine has a passion to train people to be successful Bible students, following the words of Paul to his protégé Timothy: “ entrust to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well.” (2 Tim 2:2). She taught 15 years in public schools and 12 years in a Christian school where she was coordinator of the NILD program for learning disabled students. She has taught Precept upon Precept classes and was a discussion group leader for 10+ yrs. in BSF in Daytona Beach. Fl. and Atlanta, GA. Also, Gaye-Ellen is the writer for the https://www.facebook.com/bible.org/ She also has her own personal blog page: https://sonshinesjournal.com/ David is a full time director for Bible.org as well as his secular job. He and Gaye-Ellen along with their son, Dr. Mark Austin, daughter-in-law, Dr. Blanca Austin and granddaughter Christina (https://christinaaustinlopez.com.) live in the Dallas area. Gaye-Ellen's goal is to present Christ and live Christ glorifying God. One of her favorite verses about the role as parents, teachers, and adults for the next generation comes from Psalm 78:4, "but tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord."

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