
Ark of the Covenant Story: This Year’s Easter Christianity Story? Feb 25 08

Time Magazine has announced a story that shows that the History Channel is at work. They are planning a new special claiming the possible locating of where the Ark of the Covenant is. The Time story is at:

Time Magazine has announced a story that shows that the History Channel is at work. They are planning a new special claiming the possible locating of where the Ark of the Covenant is. The Time story is at:,8599,1715337,00.html?xid=newsletter-weekly

To Time’s credit, they view the story with a good deal of skepticism. Just to let you know, the proposed locale is in Zimbabwe. The story, by David van Biema is well done and is a nice overview of what may be this year’s Easter Christianity story. Apparently, in an election year, Jesus gets the year off.


  • Anonymous

    Ark of the Covenant
    Ron Wyatt found the Ark of the Covenant in 1982. Since it is about the most fascinating story I have ever heard, it rather surprises me that I haven’t seen anything about it on the news or in documentaries or in many places other than the internet. But then again it doesn’t surprise me. They aren’t afraid to put on the tv stories suggesting that Jesus Christ was born out of wedlock. How many people with a PhD does it take to change a light bulb? I don’t know, but the guy that invented it didn’t have a PhD.

  • bock

    Ark? dlb

    Not at all sure of the Wyatt account. Given the history of destruction associated with the Temple (twice), it may well be it will never be discovered, as it may well have been destroyed. I do not think this one is a media issue.



    PS I really prefer people not to be anonymous when they comment.