Acknowledge Me
Jesus stated many tough things. He made statements that are challenging and cause us to think about our dedication to him. One statement in particular that often comes to mind is found in Matthew chapter 10.
A Burning Love
By this time we all heard or seen the news coverage about the Florida Pastor who planned to burn a copy of the Quran. The news coverage was unending. It never ceases to amaze me how we Christ followers just don’t get it. Do we think that God in any way shape or form would be pleased with such a display?
Hard Labor
Labor Day is coming and we all look forward to a day off from work. The day is set aside to celebrate the hard work that Americans perform making America the most productive place on the earth. It’s good to take a break from our work to enjoy some rest and a slower pace even if it is for a brief time.
Generous Living
Generous Living!
Men of Compassion
Men of Compassion Over the years I have realized that developing a heart of compassion has been a needed area of growth in my life. It can be easy for me to go so fast through life and run by those who have great needs. I began to realize that being a compassionate person is an intentional act. It’s not driven from emotion but rather the realization that God has been so good to me.
Going Green
I have been following the daily updates on the horrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. No matter your political persuasion or environmental views the pictures of oil drenched wild life and stained beaches are disturbing and discouraging. Watching the news reports reminded me just how much we all rely on God’s creation to sustain us.
Wise Guys
I have always been drawn to the first chapter of Proverbs. More specifically the verses 20-21, “Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech”. Solomon knew a thing or two about wisdom. He asked God for it and God granted his request.
Giant Steps
Is there more of a manly story in scripture than David and Goliath? Warriors, amour, trash talking giants etc… it’s a story guys can get into. Is there a better story of perfect faith and courage in scripture? Now that’s where we guys get a little intimidated. It’s easy to believe that men need to be flawless in faith and courage to do anything for God but that’s not the case.