Choose to Be Kind
Childhood Bullying. Senseless Shootings. Boycott Battles. This is the world we live in today. And in the swirl of words spewing back and forth in schools and theatres and comment sections on blogs, my heart is grieved.
Jesus Christ, The LIGHT of the World
When I was young, I had a favorite spot under the Christmas tree, tucked in between the living room curtains and a big wing back chair. I would spend hours there reading or singing Christmas songs in the dark with the tree lights softly shining. I loved that time alone talking with God and imagining what the first Christmas was like.
What Children’s Bible Do You Recommend?
One of my favorite sights on Sunday mornings is to see a child carrying his or her Bible to church. They are usually SO proud of having their very own Bible. And many times it can be almost as big as they are! If we want our children to grow up to love God and His Word, then we need to begin very young to read them stories from the Bible. For parents, this usually happens at bedtime and can be a powerful time of teaching them simple truths from God’s Word. And even if they can’t read yet, it’s important for children to have their own Bible with age-appropriate…
What’s in Your Teaching Toolbox?
Back to School Sales. Brand new backpacks. Yellow school busses. As a teacher, I just love this time of year. It’s filled with hope and anticipation of what the new school year holds. Do you feel that way? Or maybe you feel caught between the excitement of a new year, BUT also not quite ready for what is ahead. What do you do with those conflicting feelings?
Castle Dreams
“I want to live in a castle when I grow up!!” That was my reaction after visiting several castles in Italy and England on a recent vacation. Prior to this trip I had never been to a real authentic castle. (I don’t think Disneyland’s castle counts. Sorry, Cinderella!)
No More Goodbyes
Suitcases packed. Airports. Hugs. Kisses. Tears. Hearts…tearing…a p a r t . Days like today make me long for Heaven when there will be no more goodbyes.
Graduations and Tomorrows
Over the past three weekends, I have attended three different graduation ceremonies—seminary, college, and high school. I’ve rejoiced to see friends and family cross each stage and walk into a new tomorrow. The new journeys they face remind me of a piece I wrote a few years back. I share this with them and for each of us as we face our own tomorrows…the tomorrow that God has for each one of us. It’s an exciting journey!
“He’s Just a Kid” – NOT!!
“He’s a kid…what can he possibly do that’s of any value? He’s just a kid.” Have you ever heard people say that? Do we secretly think that ourselves about our own kids or the children we work with?
Let’s Talk About Heaven!
“In my Father’s house are many rooms…. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me….” John 14:1-3
Superbowl Fun and Games
Maybe you’ve heard that Dallas is hosting the Superbowl. People will be flocking to our city seeking fun and games. But I have a confession to make…