
Beliefnet Manifesto Feedback and the Under 30s May 14.08 (Revised May 15.08)

Yet another piece by me explaining the Manifesto was posted today at

Here is the correct URL:

The document is engendering the very kind of discussion we need. Reception has been especially open among the under 30’s in the feedback I am getting.

Yet another piece by me explaining the Manifesto was posted today at

Here is the correct URL:

The document is engendering the very kind of discussion we need. Reception has been especially open among the under 30’s in the feedback I am getting.

I am interested in why that might be (although I have my ideas). The most important may be that living in a more globalized world, their concerns move away from the kind of polarization the culture war has created. Under 30’s are not unwilling to contend for values (at least most of the ones I work with do not have such a reluctance). They are very concerned about how such advocacy takes place and how people engage.

One Comment

  • Paul D. Adams

    Manifesting the Manifesto
    Thanks so much for your assessment of the responses to the Manifesto.
    I do so appreciate the overall gist of what is trying to be accomplished with it and do hope that many take it to heart, Al Mohler included. See my response to Al here.