Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes!
I’ve always been a fan of David Bowie’s music, so to say the least I was saddened to hear about his death. In a past blog I referred to one of his songs called Changes. A song about twist and turns in life that seem to come regardless of how hard we try to control things. The lyrics to the song really don't match our current changing situation in my family except the fact that life seems to be…well…constantly changing.
As I talk to people, peruse Facebook or read blogs I realize that my family is not the only one going through changes. Many people are facing big changes in their lives right now. I have friends that are dealing with sickness, debilitating injuries, loss of loved one’s, family issues, marriage issues, divorce, teenage rebellion, work challenges, car issues, pet issues, house issues, money issues, friend issues, depression, anxiety and even Ministry challenges! Imagine that?
Which of these are you dealing with? None of them? That’s good but you might want to check your pulse.
For my family – our most current change is that we have become the primary caregiver of my great nephew. This all took place in less than 60 days and in one fell swoop we have a 7 month old boy in our home. Everything in our lives has changed as result of this little blessing! Our schedule, our finances, our focus and our sleep have all been affected.
Ecclesiastes 3 says that for everything there is a season. All of us are in a season and only God knows the reason! We may not understand why we are in the season we are but regardless, it’s where He needs us to be despite how the changes effect us.
There’s that saying floating around – “If God brings you to it, he’ll bring you through it!” I like that saying. I believe despite all of the anxiety that changes in life cause, God really does have it under control. He’s not surprised by changes and I know that he truly desires that we trust in him regardless. We must face changes despite how crazy they may be and with God on our side we can be confident that in the end, he will get us through it.
Facing the changes baby!