
Commentaries – Acts – August 2

When it comes to this category, I can speak from recent experience. I have just completed the manuscript for my Acts Commentary for BECNT (Baker) that goes with my large Luke offering. It hopefully should be out by the end of 2007 or early 2008.

When it comes to this category, I can speak from recent experience. I have just completed the manuscript for my Acts Commentary for BECNT (Baker) that goes with my large Luke offering. It hopefully should be out by the end of 2007 or early 2008. It will be one volume and about 1000 pages. There are several recent commentaries and good resources on Acts. Ben Witherington’s is full and quite well done. Also good is the Tyndale NT commentary by I. H. Marshall. There also is a solid volume on the Theology of Acts that he has edited with David Peterson. This is a good work for pastors studying the book. There is a series of volumes edited by Bruce Winter, called The Book of Acts in its Historical Setting that also is quite helpful for background issues. Eckard Schnabel’s two volumes on Early Christian Mission covers much of the ground and background in Acts as well, especially as it relates ot the histries of the sites noted in the book. The NIV Application commentary by Fernandez is helpful, as is John Stott’s work for preaching ideas and application. F. F. Bruce’s Greek text commentary is also helpful. That should get you started!


  • Russell Veldman

    Commentaries – Acts
    What is your evaluation of C.K. Barrett’s 2-volume commentary on Acts? I have always found his commentaries on Romans and 1 Corinthians and John helpful.

    • bock

      dlb – Question about Acts Commentaries

      This is a solid, technical, and critical commentary. Some historical judgments I do not share (such as on Acts 15), but there is much here that one can learn from about the details of Acts and positions are well laid out. My one major criticism is that getting a graps of the unified message and synthesis of Acts is not really accomplished.


  • Jeremy Pierce

    release date for Acts BECNT
    Someone from Baker told me back in June that they were hoping to have your Acts commentary out by July 2007. Do you know if it’s been delayed since then, or did I just have information that you didn’t have?

  • Anonymous

    Q’s about Acts commentaries
    Dr. Bock,

    What are your opinions of E. M. Blaiklock’s commentary on Acts in the Tyndale Series? What do you think are its strengths and weakness’?
