Fall Into A Memory Verse Plan…Help Kids Memorize Scripture
Our Sr. pastor, Dr. Tony Evans, recently finished a four part series entitled, “The Seed Principle.” Using the parable of the sower found in Luke 8:4-15, we were challenged to evaluate the soil conditions of our soul, in order to determine the growth of the seed that God implanted in us when we became Christians, (James 1:21). You see, the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) and it is perfect. However, if the Word of God is to work in our lives, then the perfect seed must be allowed and stimulated to grow. Dr. Evans went on to say that…”If the seed does not land in the right place, then the seed will not grow and there will be no transformation. So, where has the seed landed in your life? Has it landed on rocky soil, in the weeds, or is it flourishing in good soil?"
Our Sr. pastor, Dr. Tony Evans, recently finished a four part series entitled, “The Seed Principle.” Using the parable of the sower found in Luke 8:4-15, we were challenged to evaluate the soil conditions of our soul, in order to determine the growth of the seed that God implanted in us when we became Christians, (James 1:21). You see, the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) and it is perfect. However, if the Word of God is to work in our lives, then the perfect seed must be allowed and stimulated to grow. Dr. Evans went on to say that…”If the seed does not land in the right place, then the seed will not grow and there will be no transformation. So, where has the seed landed in your life? Has it landed on rocky soil, in the weeds, or is it flourishing in good soil?"
Is your soil being watered and fertilized or do you lack moisture and cultivation? Do you desire for the seed of God’s Word to take root and go deep or have you allowed the roots to get choked out by rocks and weeds? If the seed is to grow and lodge deep into your soul, then you must spend time preparing the soil of your soul, so that it will enable the seed to grow and transform your life into a magnificent reflection of God’s glory.
After listening to the series, God convicted my heart that the condition of my soil needed more fertilizer, cultivation, and watering. You see, the seed must be planted in good soil, fertilized regularly, and nurtured so that the roots will go deep and not get choked out by trials, tribulations, and difficulties in life’s circumstances. If we desire to see our children transformed from the inside out, then we must also teach them to fertilize, cultivate, and nurture the seed that was implanted in them when they trusted in Jesus.
Children must be given opportunities at home and church, through various activities, in order to allow the seed of God’s Word to take root and grow. The soil conditions of their souls must be tended, so that the seed will develop a deep root system and thus, they can withstand the chocking of the negative influences of this life. If we desire for children to experience spiritual growth and transformation, then we must encourage them to SEEK God’s Word, LEARN God’s Word, and GROW God’s Word in their heart, so that they will be able to APPLY God’s Word and FOLLOW God’s Word as they grow and mature in their Christian walk.
Do we desire to see our children’s implanted seed grow into magnificent plants? Then we must guide our children to embrace the Word of God and apply it to their lives. Below is just one activity that can be created at home and used to help children sink deep roots into good soil for seed growth and spiritual transformation.
The Growing Box
Help reinforce Bible verse memorization with this cute and easy idea for kids to make and store Bible verses in throughout the year.
- Shoe Box
- Brightly Colored Construction Paper (Variety of Colors)
- Markers
- White Butcher Paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Stickers
- Embellishments for Decorations
- Note Cards (White or Different Colors)
What to Do
Provide a shoe box and white butcher paper. Have your child wrap the shoe box in butcher paper and then decorate. Using additional paper, scissors, markers, glue, stickers, and embellishments, decorate the outside of the box.
Each week assign a Bible verse for memorization at home with your kids. Perhaps you might want to start by using a theme such as love, kindness, thanksgiving, etc. Select the day to begin and create a memory verse schedule for your kids to follow throughout the year.
Make the activity fun by using colored note cards and stickers, etc. Let your child write the memory verse on the front of the card and decorate the back of the memory verse card with stickers or have them draw a picture of what the Bible verse means to them.
For one week choose the same verse and have your child practice memory skills by reciting the verse without the card. Do this each day until your child can recite the Bible verse without looking at the note card. After one verse has been memorized move on to another. Label each Bible verse note card with the day, month, and year the verse was memorized. Keep the cards in the decorated growing box for future reference.
Remember, the more the seed is watered and nurtured the deeper the roots will go. May the seed that is implanted in children fall on good soil and grow into a transformed life.
Robin William
How to memorize Bible verses easily…….
So far you must have tried various methods to memorize Bible verses, but sometimes we are not able to remember it correctly. One of my friends gave me an excellent idea to memorize the Bible verses. He showed me his android phone to which he had downloaded an application which puts holy verses on your phone wallpaper. What is more amazing is that the verses keep on changing after some time. In today’s world everyone keeps their phone with themselves every time, so whenever you see your phone you see a verse. What could be more better way to memorize the verses other than this.
You can send the verse as a message to your friend or post the verse to your friend’s facebook wall.
What could be more better way to share the Word Of The Lord. God bless us all.
Lisa Goodyear
Thanks for Your Comment
Thanks Robin for that great way to memorize Scripture. We all are looking for additional ways to help children embrace the Word of God and memorize verses. Children need to plant God's Word deep in their hearts so that they will know the truth and be set free from the snares of the devil. May you grow closer to our Lord and help children memorize verses so that they will grow in their faith and develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. God bless you. Thanks for sharing.