
God’s State of the Union

I was watching the President’s state of the union address this past week. I am drawn to speeches like that since they provide an overview of where we are and the leader’s thoughts on where we should be going. If done well the leader should be able to cast a vision that people can see and understand enough to get excited about and support.

I was watching the President’s state of the union address this past week. I am drawn to speeches like that since they provide an overview of where we are and the leader’s thoughts on where we should be going. If done well the leader should be able to cast a vision that people can see and understand enough to get excited about and support. Our political persuasions of course color our ability to do this, no matter how compelling the message or persuasive the messenger.
What if God gave a state of the union address? What would he say? Do I know enough about God that I would be able to answer that question? Here are some answers that came to mind for me.
• Lost people are still a priority. Jesus said it so clearly. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 This is why the bible tells us he spent time with “notorious sinners” who were far from God and others had rejected. Jesus then gave his disciples the same mission and sent them out to proclaim his message to lost people. He didn’t ignore the already convinced but invited them to be part of his mission.

• Train others to serve God. Jesus picked twelve people to spend time with. He trained them to do the mission that he was given. He loved them by serving them and showing them how to be servant leaders. He spent most of his time with his disciples. Lost people were important to him but he knew that if he did not spend time with his disciples his cause would go nowhere after he left. We should do the same. As a pastor, my job is to give my job away. It was he who gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, that is, to build up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12. When we do this others will grow spiritual and churches will grow numerically.

• Love each other. This one seems to be the clearest of all. Even a non Christian could identify this as being at the heart of Jesus. I give you a new commandment – to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. John 13:24 This message is repeated many times over in the New Testament. It’s a simple message but if we are honest it is the most violated of all of the directives that Jesus gave. If real love is not seen among Christ followers than where else will the lost find it?

• Sin has been defeated. Every state of the union has some foreign policy talk. God’s foreign policy probably relates most to his battles with Satan. Jesus made it clear on the cross when he said, “It is finished” John 19:30. These were the last words of Jesus before he died. Christ’s death defeated Satan and payment was made once and for all our sins. God’s wrath was satisfied and the power of sin was broken. Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 1 Corinthians 15:55-57. When Jesus rose from the dead he sealed the deal and defeated Satan forever. Our only source of our hope is found in this alone. So why do we focus on it so much and let it control us?

• Take care of the poor and the hurting. This theme is present throughout the Old and New Testaments. God cares for those who are most vulnerable in our world. His heart breaks for the widows, orphans, impoverished and oppressed. God chastised Israel for their neglect of these people and Jesus made it clear that when you cared for “the least of these” you were caring for him. On a political level we debate what that looks like but Jesus never let others determine his level of love and compassion. Neither should we! We are to be good stewards of all that God has given us but above all else we are to be generous with God and others. Jesus is coming back and all that matters is what we have done on behalf of him.

These are just a few things that I would assume are part of God’s state of the union. What do you think would be there?


  • Lance Ponder

    Early State of the Union Addresses

    I think we have some great examples of Sate of the Union addresses in the Old Testament. Several of the prophets wrote about the present condition of things and what God wanted to tell the nation about the state of their nation. I think the message today would sound a like those. ~_* And I think you hit on several of the major themes.

  • thom.garrett

    another point


    Another one might be (e.g. given at times it seems the church is asleep in the light): 

     –  "Act now, don't wait."

    Jesus says three times in the last chapter of Revelation that He is coming quickly:

     "Behold, I am coming quickly…"   – Rev. 22:7

     "And behold, I am coming quickly…"  – Rev. 22:12

     "Surely I am coming quickly." – Rev. 22:20
