
Historical Adam discussion

The last two weeks at the Table Podcast we have discussed the Historical Adam. The entire discussion is with Dr. Richard Averbeck of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is an expert in Ancient Near Eastern texts and so can discuss the parallel creation accounts. That is the first half of the podcast, while the second half is a discussion of Genesis 1-3.

The last two weeks at the Table Podcast we have discussed the Historical Adam. The entire discussion is with Dr. Richard Averbeck of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is an expert in Ancient Near Eastern texts and so can discuss the parallel creation accounts. That is the first half of the podcast, while the second half is a discussion of Genesis 1-3. Recent blogs have argued Adam as a figure of history is not so important. The podcast makes the opposite case by showing how Genesis presents him in ways parallel to other key figures in the book, not to mention how the New Tesament in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15 handles him is an contrastive archetype to Jesus. 

Here is the entire podcast on YouTune. You can subscribe to the Table from there as well.

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