
Humble or Selfish? Which Are You?

Have you ever been frustrated when you see people acting selfish and self-centered? Worse yet, have you ever experienced parents teaching their children to act this way, by modeling a "full-of-oneself" example…that no one else matters…it's all about me…and humility is far from their thoughts and even farther from their behavior.

Have you ever been frustrated when you see people acting selfish and self-centered? Worse yet, have you ever experienced parents teaching their children to act this way, by modeling a "full-of-oneself" example…that no one else matters…it's all about me…and humility is far from their thoughts and even farther from their behavior.

Last week at the Corner Bakery Restaurant, I experienced firsthand this type of behavior…which was modeled by a mom and dad in front of their daughter.  It was almost noon on Saturday, I had called in an order to pick up, so that I could take our food home and enjoy eating it with my mother.  I walked into the restaurant to get our food quickly and I noticed that people were everywhere…as the restaurant was quite full.  This was not unusual as this is a very popular place to eat lunch.

As I approached the counter where I was directed to go for "carry-out" orders, I noticed that there were a number of people who were waiting patiently in another line designated for dine-in customers.  I found my line and waited behind a family with a mom, dad, and young teenage girl.  As I waited and waited…I realized they were placing a "dine-in" order.  I thought to myself, "Why are they in the carry-out line?"  As I stood and listened to their conversation, I realized that they were in the wrong line intentionally.  Then I heard the hostess at the register ask, "is this for carry out" and the mom boldly proclaimed, "no dine-in."  I was frustrated by this comment and had to refrain myself from telling them that they were in the wrong line and they should have waited in the other line…just like the rest of the people.  Not that it was a long wait for me, but it was the principle that they were teaching their daughter.

Instead of teaching their daughter to follow rules, submit to directions, and wait their turn, they were training their young girl to be selfish, disrespectful, and disobedient to rules.  Have you ever taken a shortcut in a situation due to selfish motivation…and made the choice to do the wrong thing?  Surely it wouldn't matter, no one really cares.

What does God's Word tell us about selfishness, disrespect, and disobedience?  God's Word is very clear and teaches that, instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to "treat one anther as more important than yourself."  (Phil. 2:3)  We are to be humble in our motivation and treat others as more important than ourselves.  Did these parents teach their daughter to treat others as more important?

We wonder why our children today are showing such disrespect to others, including parents, yet we teach them by example to be selfish and disrespectful.  God's Word tells us to teach our children to follow rules, show respect, and be humble.  As we encourage parents to train up their children according to God's Word, we must encourage them to be Godly examples…modeling what the Bible tells us is true. Children watch the example of their parents before anyone else.  Children are molded in their homes by words, actions, and behaviors that they see every day in their parents.

As Children's Ministry Leaders we must continue to help parents and encourage them to be Godly examples at  home.  Teaching them to respect God's Word and follow His examples is a must.  As you talk to parents and encourage them to teach their children to be like Jesus, ask them this question?  What example do you want to be?  Humble or Selfish?

Lisa Goodyear holds a Master of Arts degree in Christian Education, with a focus in Children's Ministry, from Dallas Theological Seminary. She has over twenty-eight years of local children's ministry, as well as an extensive background in early childhood education and international ministry to children. Currently, she is serving with the family/children’s ministry in her local church in Shawnee, Kansas. Lisa's passion is to see children from every nation, tongue, and tribe trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and grow in their relationship with Him. She is married to Rolla and they have two grown children and three grandchildren and a little Yorkie, Romeo. Lisa lives in Olathe, Kansas.


  • Bella Cranick


    Think of someone else as important as ourselves. That spoke to me so much today. A girl in one my classes at my high school was very rude to me today. At first, I was very offended, thinking to myself "How dare she". But, the more I thought about it, I looked at her and thought, I've said that to someone before haven't I? Been cranky and snapped at someone who had nothing to do with it and didn't deserve it. Then I kept thinking, how rude am I to God? How many times do I have an attitude with God….And he never says "How dare she?" Only, "How I love her." Treat her like God treats me….Challenges of everyday. 

  • Lisa Goodyear

    You made a great point Bella.
    You made a great point Bella. How many times do we let our attitudes, actions, and words hurt others without even knowing the results of the pain we have caused them? How many times do we hurt God? No one is exempt from sin, and yes, we all have days when our attitudes, actions, and words are not pleasing to God. The key is though, that God is working in your life and has reminded you of your previous actions and behavior towards Him. God allows us to experience many life lessons so that we can experience His grace and mercy and grow into a more intimate relationship with Him. Keep letting God’s light shine through you as He uses you to make a difference in the lives of other high school students. Pray for those who mistreat you! Thanks for your words.