
I’m Right, You’re Wrong Nanny Nanny Boo Boo Christianity

Can a Christian be a Democrat? How about a Republican?

We as Christians are known for “going to the wall” on a lot of issues. There’s right and wrong, and we’ll let you know it. Sometimes I think we feel we are the only purveyors of the truth and God needs US to make sure it all gets out there straight. But what about when we disagree?

Can a Christian be a Democrat? How about a Republican?

We as Christians are known for “going to the wall” on a lot of issues. There’s right and wrong, and we’ll let you know it. Sometimes I think we feel we are the only purveyors of the truth and God needs US to make sure it all gets out there straight. But what about when we disagree?

While I do believe there is right and wrong, I think we need to take that all with a grain of humility. No one wants to be shot at with the arrows of right and wrong. No one wants to be blasted with the TRUTH. Besides, show me the person that hasn’t been sure she was right, just to find in later years perhaps she was wrong.

When dealing with people, all the touting out of the morals needs to be softened just a bit. I’m not saying soften the truth, but soften the delivery. And, perhaps add a smidge of humility that says, “I’m not God so this interpretation may be changed.”

We’re definitely too busy telling people to do this (but don’t do this) and make sure you avoid this (but not that). Sometimes we act like the world is made up of a few simple rules to follow. Ask a question, and we can give you the answer.

Maybe instead of answering all the questions people are asking (and some they aren’t asking), we should be asking questions ourselves. Look at Jesus, He barely ever told anyone anything straight. He was always asking questions, creating confusion, and leading people to seek out the truth themselves.

There are so many brilliant and wonderful Christian brothers and sisters on all sides of many issues out there. Are we to say that we can tear them to pieces just because we come out on one side and they on the other? We may not agree, but we can still be together. We're going to have to be together for eternity anyway.

We must go to the wall for Jesus being the Son of God, the one true way for forgiveness of our sins, no other things involved. Most of the rest we can let be a little more fuzzy on in my opinion. We build our lives around the sharp edges of the truth, but we also must wield the truth in love.

So, let’s soften the edges and stop cutting each other to pieces. They’ll know we are Christians by our love, not our by our being right (John 13:34-35).

Jamie Lath is a middle child that has no baby picture without her older sister in it. Even with only two siblings, she grew up with family everywhere because all her aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and even second-cousins lived in her hometown. With forty people at her birthday parties (all relatives) and her sister in every picture, she knows a little about community, and it's everlastingness. This has brought most of her ministry focus into meeting people where they're at, listening closely (especially to those who feel voiceless and like no one is listening), and helping them find God's voice in the mix. Jamie graduated with a BA in Communication Studies from the University of North Texas. Following a year of teaching English in China, she returned to the states to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. She received a Th.M. with a focus on Media Arts. Her background in the arts (ballet, writing, and acting) has given her an understanding of how creative expressions can give people a safe place to begin exploring how to use their voice and how it can touch hearts to hear God’s voice. She also blogs at I just called to say "Olive Juice."

One Comment

  • Visitor

    Loved this! I completely

    Loved this! I completely agree with you here. Sometimes Christians spend too much time telling people what to do, what not to do, and how to live etc., practically forcing what they believe to be true and right on them. Like you said, Jesus made people seek it out for themselves and he did it with love. He didn't storm around commanding people to do this and that. I think that God only knows the complete, absolute truth about everything- so we should trust in him most of all (Prov.3:5). When we approach a person to witness, or a Christian to encourage etc. we need to be loving while putting differences aside and preaching the true gospel.