
Let’s Re-Invent Biblical Education

We live and move in a fast paced technological society. We have more available to us in the wealth of materials, sermons, lessons, articles, and so on than any other generation. Yet, in all of that, we are deficient in critical biblical thinking and knowledge of even the most basic of facts. Note this recent survey result: Only 40% of Americans knew that Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount and fewer than half of American adults were able to name all four Gospels.

We live and move in a fast paced technological society. We have more available to us in the wealth of materials, sermons, lessons, articles, and so on than any other generation. Yet, in all of that, we are deficient in critical biblical thinking and knowledge of even the most basic of facts. Note this recent survey result: Only 40% of Americans knew that Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount and fewer than half of American adults were able to name all four Gospels.

Here’s a true example of where we are today that actually happened in our office recently. A person called to ask that someone “read the Bible to him”. When asked why he did not read it for himself he said, “I don’t want to read it, that is why I called you.” That is today’s mindset. People do not want to read anymore, they want to watch videos; they want others to read to them. Do we buck the trend and stay just a bible.org library of texts or do we use this technology to move into training Christians around the globe? Here’s a recent video done in the secular realm with math curriculum. Watch this TED talk by Salmon Kahn on how to reinvent education and then come back and read the rest of this blog.

Can you envision this same type of technology being used to train the next generation to bring scriptural truth to the masses and preparing them? Ps 78:4-6. Can you envision a team that could do a similar venue? Grab the excitement! Let’s build a “Yellow Brick Road” to Christian maturity. In my next blog I will explain the Yellow Brick Road and introduce you to the team who have begun this journey. Dream and pray with us as we think about how we can use technology to accomplish this “Yellow Brick Road Task”. Pray with us that God will raise up men and women who will help move us from paper/pencil to ipad to video teaching. Why? So that our next generation will “always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope they possess” (1 Pet 3:15). We want to fill in the swiss cheese gaps that Christians are missing and prepare them for the ability to actually implement the “Yellow Brick Road” into real life time. We want every Christian to be a discipler able to interact with others one on one. The goal is spiritual maturity. The goal is obedience to the Great Commission that Jesus left us. Matt 28. Will you join us? Email us here.






  • Pam K

    I am SO glad you linked to the Khan video!

    Glad for two reasons:  1.  I know it will help get people better educated, understand what basic Christian doctrine says, and where the Scripture is to support each doctrine.  2.  I have a grandson who is extremely smart.  Since he was just 4 months old every doctor has told us to get prepared; he is going to need much more than normal schools provide. 

    Just in a few simple test they have done, he is scoring genius level.  So, the point is, I believe this method of teaching him will solve our problems.  He wants to learn–he's like a sponge you can't fill up.  I can see him passing us all by with such an opportunity to move at his own pace.  

    Now, back to Christian maturity.  I do see how this type of video will speed the Bible teaching process.  I am not quite grasping how that gets Christians to maturity.  But, hey, I just saw this and haven't had any time to process.  Eph. 4 lays out how we reach the measure of the stature of Christ–how we become that perfect man.  Is there a way to incorporate Eph. 4 into the Khan-based video style of instruction, followed up by classroom help?

    I will be praying for you to get the right team together, that what you do is pleasing to God, and that all whom God has prepared to help with this answer the call.  Actually, I may be one of those.  So let me know if there is something I can do to help!

  • chaplaindale

    Christian Education and Maturity


    Khan's video is awesome!  I see where Bible.org could use this type of format so that Christians learn about Christ and his message of salvation and justification before God.
