
Loose Thoughts

Our minds are a battlefield and in different seasons of life there are different battles happening.  Currently, my battle has to do with fear of losing my son.  Each night I have at least one irrational fear that enters my mind of something horrible happening to him.  I have the choice in the matter – to linger and dwell on or move away from.  I am reminded each time of 2 Corinthians 10:5 tha

Our minds are a battlefield and in different seasons of life there are different battles happening.  Currently, my battle has to do with fear of losing my son.  Each night I have at least one irrational fear that enters my mind of something horrible happening to him.  I have the choice in the matter – to linger and dwell on or move away from.  I am reminded each time of 2 Corinthians 10:5 that says:
"We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ."  (the Message)
I looked through various versions of Scripture and this one brought out some nuances of the verse I hadn’t thought about but are true.  My favorite one is that the thought, emotion and impulse is called "loose".  I have never thought about those things with the adjective "loose" but the more I process it I realize, these are loose thoughts.  These thoughts come randomly (i.e. loosely), they come at my worst part of the day (evening for me), they come stronger when I’ve had a hard day, when I’m most tired and often when I’m most sensitive.  These are loose thoughts just flying around in my head and they are part of the spiritual battle that you and I face each day.
What season of life are you in?  What are the loose thoughts, loose emotions or loose impulses in your life?  When are you most susceptible to these things?
Sitting, praying, discerning, asking others can all aide us in understanding where these loose things come up and we can then "fit them", as this translation says, or take them captive to obedience to Christ.  My prayer is that wherever you are in life that you would take these things to Christ, submit them to Him and share with others the season that you are going through.

One Comment

  • Heather A. Goodman

    Chris quotes that verse to
    Chris quotes that verse to me often. Having an active imagination is mostly great–but sometimes it gets away from me.