Performance Not Required
In the movie Chariots of Fire, Olympic runner Harold Abrahams says,
“I will raise my eyes and look down that corridor; 4 feet wide, with 10 lonely seconds to justify my whole existence. But WILL I?”
Abrahams justification of worth was based upon his performance. His worth was based on what he did and the titles he was given. He sought validation, approval and applause. If we are honest with ourselves, we do the same. We base our worth, and some of us even our existence upon performance, upon titles and achievements.
Our hearts search for validation and we don’t even realize it. We base our sense of worth and validation on our titles and we do the same to others. Our world systems are based on validation through education, socio-economic status, positions and career titles. I wish it was not true of the Church, but unfortunately we are not immune to it.
Where does my validation come from? What about yours?
Having recently wrestled through an identity re-orientation of sorts (which really feels like soul surgery), I am coming face to face with the reality that I have based my validation on what others say rather than what God says. When you are stripped of titles and opportunities to perform you only have one audience – God. And even then, you don’t have to perform. With God it is not about performance, it is about love. Love that He initiated, love that He offers unconditionally.
After a time of wrestling my heart has settled, and my identity is more rested in the love of God rather than the approval of men.
As we seek affirmation and validation we need to continuously come back to this truth – God loves us. There is no need to perform for Him. He is not our audience, He is our lover. His hands do not clap for us, they stretch out on a cross for us.
As you wrestle to believe your worth and your value. As you look to gain approval I encourage you to sit with Jesus. Just sit. In Him receive your worth, receive your value, receive the greatest love you will ever know.