
Pick the Harvest!

The peppers were ready for picking on that hot afternoon. I thought I could go out to the garden and grab the peppers off of the plant and make it back inside quick. What I found though was that as I stood above them looking for the ones that were ready to pick, it was hard for me to see them from the distance because of the sun’s reflection on the plant. I bent down to my knees and it was then that I saw the peppers ready for harvest.


The peppers were ready for picking on that hot afternoon. I thought I could go out to the garden and grab the peppers off of the plant and make it back inside quick. What I found though was that as I stood above them looking for the ones that were ready to pick, it was hard for me to see them from the distance because of the sun’s reflection on the plant. I bent down to my knees and it was then that I saw the peppers ready for harvest.


Once I was on my knees, the Lord spoke to my spirit, "Michelle, the harvest is right in front of you." I have been in prayer before the Lord seeking what I should do and where I should minister and He said, "It is right here." Right where you are, there is a harvest.

There are so many times that as children’s ministers we feel like it is necessary to schedule big events to reach children when there is a harvest right in front of us. I encourage you to look in front of you. God is working in the life of some child(ren) in your neighborhood, your community and in your church. Don’t miss it. Jesus tells us that "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38

So how should one prepare? First, get on your knees and pray that God will give you a sensitive spirit to the hearts of the children around you (wherever you are). And then, take every opportunity to share Jesus with them. If we don’t cultivate the harvest the enemy will come in and destroy what has been planted. Therefore, you need to be ready to go to work!

Pick the harvest.