
Ready, Set, Go! “Equipped To Serve”

Have you ever been to a track meet? On April 3, 2010, I attended a track meet at the University of Texas in Arlington.  This was not any track meet, but it was by invitation only and was held for those high school kids who had qualified from their respective states.  These young people were the best competitors in their respective events and were state champions.  Because of their accomplishments they had been selected and invited to participate on the next level of competition against others from all over the United States.  You see, those who won at this particular meet were given the opportunity to compete in Singapore.

Have you ever been to a track meet? On April 3, 2010, I attended a track meet at the University of Texas in Arlington.  This was not any track meet, but it was by invitation only and was held for those high school kids who had qualified from their respective states.  These young people were the best competitors in their respective events and were state champions.  Because of their accomplishments they had been selected and invited to participate on the next level of competition against others from all over the United States.  You see, those who won at this particular meet were given the opportunity to compete in Singapore.

My second cousin, Shannon, was one of those kids.  She had trained for many months and had participated in numerous track meets in the state of Kansas in order to get to this level.  She was equipped to compete and therefore, she was confident with her skills and her abilities.  She was ready because of the countless hours she had spent training, she was set because of her accomplishment, and now it was time to go and win.

When we serve in ministry are we confident in the skills and abilities the Lord has given us?  Are we ready to let God use our gifts…are we set to share His truth through our gifts and go where He has called us to serve using those gifts.

We exist for God.  He desires to use us to serve Him through the unique abilities and skills He has given us.  (1 Corinthians 12:1-10)  He has equipped us for service and will not let us fail if we rely on Him through the Holy Spirit to accomplish what He has set before us for His eternal purpose.  When we recognize that God is the one who provides our skills and abilities, then we can have the confidence that we will not fail in our endeavors.  

God has equipped each one of us with skills and abilities to serve Him in different areas of ministry.  Children's ministry is one of those areas.  Do we desire to allow God to work through us to influence a young life for Christ?  We are His army, His workmanship, and His children. (Ephesians 2:10)  He will use us to influence the lives of children.  When we serve with the attitude to glorify God and allow Him to use us in ministry through our gifts, He will provide opportunities and thus bring glory to His name.

Are you ready?  Pray and meditate on God's Word.  Ask God to give you a teachable spirit as you seek His wisdom and His direction in ministry.  If you do not know your spiritual gifts, take a spiritual gifts test to help understand where in ministry you will be most effective. God has given each person a unique blend of spiritual gifts to accomplish His eternal purpose.

Are you set?  Seek opportunities in ministry where your spiritual gifts can be applied. Serve in those areas of ministry so that you can maximize your effectiveness.  God will honor your diligence and your obedience to serve where you are most gifted and where you will bring Him the most glory.

Is it time to go?  Step out in faith and allow God to use your gifts to His benefit and run the race with HIm.

We are not called to be the best or the greatest among men, but to be the best in our service to God, who is our most prized possession.  You can make a difference in the life of a child.  Ready, Set, Go!  You are equipped to serve!

Lisa Goodyear holds a Master of Arts degree in Christian Education, with a focus in Children's Ministry, from Dallas Theological Seminary. She has over twenty-eight years of local children's ministry, as well as an extensive background in early childhood education and international ministry to children. Currently, she is serving with the family/children’s ministry in her local church in Shawnee, Kansas. Lisa's passion is to see children from every nation, tongue, and tribe trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and grow in their relationship with Him. She is married to Rolla and they have two grown children and three grandchildren and a little Yorkie, Romeo. Lisa lives in Olathe, Kansas.


  • Bella Cranick

    I feel I can truly relate

    I feel I can truly relate this blog. I run track and it is true what you said, that if you practice and spend hours training you feel confident. I never think twice about whether or not I can finish the race or not place, I know I can and will. Then when I look at my ministry I think to myself, maybe I won't finish, and maybe I won't place. Because honestly, I don't spend as much time my training and practice in Jesus Christ as I physically do in track. Just a few months ago I was given the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Spain next summer. At first, I was very excited and I knew God was convicting me to go on this trip. But then when I wasn't surrounded my believers and I was just sitting in my room, I thought, "God , what if You can't use me? I don't know how to teach Your word. I'm not a pastor. What if I mess it up?" But when I read this blog, something caught my eye that instantly changed the way I now view my trip. Are you ready?  Pray and meditate on God's Word.  Ask God to give you a teachable spirit as you seek His wisdom and His direction in ministry. 

    And there it was…. Are you ready? I said to myself, " Stop, worrying about teaching others, and ask God to teach you. "

    • Lisa Goodyear

      You Are Ready!
      Thanks for the reply. Remember it is not what we can do, but what God can do through us. He will give us opportunities to strengthen our relationship with Him. If we feel confident in our own abilities then we will not rely upon Him. He is the one that empowers us to do His will. Stay focused on God’s word and pray, pray, pray. He wants that close relationship with you and desires to use you. You are ready so go and allow God to use you in whatever capacity He desires.