That’s How You Know!
He’ll find his own way to tell youWith the little things he’ll doThat’s how you knowThat’s how you know! (4) Permit me to begin this article by stating it is not about Disney’s darling Movie “Enchanted” or Amy Adams who portrayed the quintessential fairytale princess in it. However, I thought the title of the catchy song in this movie “That’s How You Know” was a good way to introduce this article.
Spiritually Bipolar
Here’s another confession. I’m bi-polar when it comes to my spiritual life. On the one hand I can be very self-condemning: I’m a rotten worthless sinner who can’t do anything right. I wrote a song once called Failure the lyrics to which expressed how I often feel: I confess that I’m a failure This sober truth, it haunts my life Decisions made that were unwise I’ve messed up my own, and others’ lives Too many times… Yes, I beat myself up a lot. And, yes, I know Jesus loves me, but I have often asked, “But does He like me?” I fail time and time and time and time and…