• Heartprints

    God’s Power Tools – #5

    God has given us a voice to speak forth His written Word. With our voice we are to proclaim the wonder of the Creator. The love of Christ compels us to give voice to the Good News of God’s salvation. Our fifth power tool, our voice, is an old tool but it has an amazing power to capture the interest of those we want to listen. “Until very recently in human history, most people could neither read nor write . . . spoken language was the only practical way to warn someone that there might be a snake in a nearby bush. Perhaps as a result, human hearing and speech…

  • Engage

    Next Steps

    “So what’s next for you?” It’s the question that I’ve been asked frequently this past year. I have family members and friends who are writing books, launching blogs, buying homes, starting their family, getting married, receiving promotions, starting new careers, moving across country, going on mission trips, founding ministries, beginning grad school, and starting their own businesses. Quite frankly, I’m not doing any of these things, and it’s tempting for me to think that I’m not accomplishing anything or actively working toward a goal. But if I were to sum it up, the past two years have been about settling and putting down roots. You see, in the span of…

  • Engage

    Attentiveness to God

    During a particularly challenging and confusing season of life, I almost daily cried out to God, “God, is this your will for me? Did I hear you wrong? Did I walk outside your will? I’m not sure what to do. Please tell me what to do. And please make it clear.” But no matter how desperately I called out or how long I pleaded for an answer, I couldn’t hear God’s voice. In that silence, I felt alone. I’m guessing that you’ve probably been in that place too. That place of desperation where you are crying out, “God, are you there? If you are, just tell me what to do.…