Our Call to Creation Care
An Unpopular Topic for Many Evangelicals As a fifth-generation Oregonian, I grew up in a context where people were into creation care before creation care was cool—nones and Christians alike, no matter what kind of Christian we were. When our family relocated to the Washington, D.C. metroplex in my fifth-grade year, we started attending a United Methodist Church. And that congregation talked about creation care as part of Christian faith. Rooted in Genesis. At age thirteen, I became a Bible-church attendee in our northern-Virginia suburb. And although we focused more on “it’s all going to burn” than on stewardship of the earth in the meantime, we still never ascribed…
A Christian Conservative Goes to College, part 1 (Introduction)
In the last year I have talked to several friends, Christian parents, who were concerned about the “education” their children are receiving in college. After all, conscientious Christian parents work all those years to raise their child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 11:19, etc.), then send those children off to a secular college or university where that instruction will most likely be attacked on every level. When this happens, the child may begin questioning everything about Christianity and everything the Bible teaches. They may begin retreating from parents, Christian friends, church, and Christianity while the parents become sick with worry and wonder how in…