Does God Have a Sense of Humor?
Sure He does! Where else would we get ours, since we are made in His image, and a sense of humor is such a delightful gift? Humor, though, is culturally rooted (with the exception of mother-in-law jokes, which are apparently universal in any culture on the planet!). That’s why most of us Westerners find it difficult to understand that Jesus was really a funny fellow. For instance, it’s easy for us to imagine Him intoning solemnly, “Blind guides! You strain out a gnat yet swallow a camel!” (Matt. 23:28) Not only is it a funny mental image, but Jesus was making a pun that is completely lost in translation. The…
Offering the Gospel to This Generation
Are high school students interested in the Gospel? They may not think they are, but underneath the outward façade when compelled to consider, the answer is YES! After spending a week, as an adult guests, in the highly charged atmosphere of a Young Life camp in the mountains of Colorado – we saw firsthand the hard fought ground leaders had plowed for a year before bringing their group of kids to camp yield a positive response to the claims of Christ. Arriving on 7 different busses 450 high school students from 4 different states were saturated for a week in an atmosphere of fun, acceptance, laughter, being lead, music, lively…
Five Ways to Kill Your Women’s Ministry
1. Engage in gender stereotyping. Teach women that they are emotional and men are unemotional. Never mind that the ideal man wept (John 11:35, Luke 19:41) and cried loudly with tears (Heb. 5:7); that Paul warned the Ephesian elders night and day with tears (Acts 20:31); that the same elders wept loudly when Paul said goodbye (20:37); and that Paul remembered Timothy’s tears (2 Tim 1:4). Crying is for females. Also teach your women that God wired them only to receive love, not respect. That way those who fall outside this “norm” will know there is something wrong with them.And while you’re at it, segregate by age. Younger women…
What Does The Bible SAY…..
By now, you may have heard the song, “What Does the Fox Say.” Yes, the words were written about a fox and the sound that it makes, or doesn’t make. According to the lyrics no one knows the sound of a fox and if you have watched the hilarious video, the vocalists make odd noises to portray the possible sounds of a fox. Two Norwegian brothers put the lyrics to a catchy beat, dressed up in fox costumes, and made one of the funniest videos ever. According to some sources this video has gained such popularity that they have over 360,000,000 people who have watched and laughed to their humor online. Old MacDonald, move…