We’re all in this together
Philippians 2:1–13 is part of the lectionary readings for the seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, which is September 27th. In verses 1–2, Paul called the recipients of his letter to unity, humility, and obedience. As long as the congregation remained divided, they would not be able to withstand opposition from their antagonists (1:28). Most likely, this hostility was linked to the resistance originating from the pagan residents in Philippi. They had created a mob scene in which Paul and Silas were arrested on their initial visit to the city (Acts 16:16–24). The harassment Paul’s readers experienced undermined their Christian unity. Well aware of how this problem was manifesting itself among his…
Who is responsible for Jesus’ death?
On the surface, one might assume that a sole person or group was responsible for Jesus’ death. Yet, digging a little deeper in Scripture brings to light a more complicated and layered picture of those who were instrumental in bringing about the Son’s humiliating execution at Calvary. Before going any further, it’s important to clarify that Jesus was not caught off guard by the eventuality of Him sacrificing Himself on the cross. For example, in John 10:14–18, Jesus stated that His death was not forced upon Him. Instead, He laid down His life voluntarily. Indeed, the Son of God had the authority—that is, the supreme power and absolute right—not only…