• Impact

    The writing is on the wall!

    Thousands of years ago, a Babylonian ruler named Belshazzar, confident in his own authority and power, dishonored God. In turn, the Lord judged the vice-regent swiftly and decisively. These observations serve as a sobering reminder that no one, regardless of their temporal authority and power, is beyond the reach of the Creator’s swift judicial verdict.   The Divine Intervention, Daniel 5:1–7   Daniel 5 spotlights a time in ancient history when Nabonidus (556–539 B.C.) was the king of Babylon, having succeeded Nebuchadnezzar II (605–562 B.C.). Between their reigns were a succession of would-be monarchs who either died young or were assassinated.    Previously, Nabonidus had served Nebuchadnezzar and had married…