• Engage

    Live into Holy Week

    The church across the world observes the most important week of the year in our tradition—Holy Week—which begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter. Both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions call it “the Great Week” because God did great works during the week we reenact. (Note: Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Week on different days from those in the west—their Easter falling on April 24 and the west celebrating April 17 this year).  On Wednesday, sometimes called Spy Wednesday or Good Wednesday, we consider that Judas (the “spy”) bargained to betray Jesus with a kiss. Listen in as Jodie Neznik and I talk about this betrayal on the So Much More podcast. …

  • Heartprints

    The Tale of a Traitor

    There are many wonderful heroes and traitorous foes in the pages of the Bible. Both good and bad share in the human frailties that come from being made of dust. Noble heroes of faith surrounded by their unbelieving, accusing and deadly opponents are found in every book. However, tucked in the corner of a bigger story we find some who pose in the OT as worshipers of Jehovah or in the NT as Christ followers. They would fade into the background of the story if not for the amazing crossroads where their half-hearted faith meets their whole-hearted greed or hatred. Judas Iscariot was just such a man. Speaking of Judas,…

  • Engage

    Maundy Thursday–Love & Servanthood

    For more than a decade now, I have grown to value traditions of more formal denominations than mine. Because of them, I have more thoughtfully considered many biblical truths that perhaps have become too familiar. The Easter season has become more meaningful and precious as I have participated in Ash Wednesday, Lent, and the Stations of the Cross at a nearby Anglican church, and I have seen with fresh eyes the death of Christ. The Thursday of Holy Week, called Maundy Thursday, is observed by many denominations as a remembrance of the commands given the night before Jesus was crucified, including the command to do as Jesus did when he…