• Heartprints

    Target Practice Recap!

    This past weekend was very cool for me. I was given the opportunity to preach to the congregation of my church about a subject that I’m very passionate about…the family!  I believe that the family is God’s greatest passion on the earth behind the heart of the individual. I preached on God First, Spouse Second and Kids Third!  This topic is rather controversial to a lot of people because they believe in alternate priority patterns. Here’s a recap of the sermon: The Problem: –          We are all perfectly imperfect sinners raising our families in a completely dysfunctional world and that’s why we need a Perfectly Perfect Savior with a completely…

  • Engage

    Number One Priority

    “What is your highest priority in life?” How would you answer that question? What do most women say? A recent survey of Christian women by George Barna found that 53% ranked family first, while only 16% prioritized their faith. The total number of women who responded with health, career, and comfortable lifestyle is larger than the group that chose faith.We women have significant influence and responsibility when it comes to our husbands, our children, and often other extended family members. God gives us such relationships as a stewardship, and we want to be found faithful in the end. We have the opportunity to exert more influence there than anywhere else;…