• Engage

    The Gift of Being Fully Present

    Our technological world breeds distraction. Our televisions or IPods draw us during dinner, whether at home or in a restaurant.  Our phones interrupt us with calls and texts. There is always a fresh blog to read. If we miss anything, it usually isn’t from lack of trying. What happens to our relationships? It’s difficult to have in-depth conversations and caring relationships when we are distracted by other things instead of being fully present. Last night I observed two groups at the restaurant where we were eating dinner. Whereas people at other tables were enjoying both food and conversation, these particular groups rarely looked up from their texting to converse with…

  • Engage

    Number One Priority

    “What is your highest priority in life?” How would you answer that question? What do most women say? A recent survey of Christian women by George Barna found that 53% ranked family first, while only 16% prioritized their faith. The total number of women who responded with health, career, and comfortable lifestyle is larger than the group that chose faith.We women have significant influence and responsibility when it comes to our husbands, our children, and often other extended family members. God gives us such relationships as a stewardship, and we want to be found faithful in the end. We have the opportunity to exert more influence there than anywhere else;…

  • Impact

    The Fifth Opportunity

    The Fifth Commandment states that we honor our father and mother so that our days may live long in the land that God has given us (Exodus 20:12). This is the first of God’s commandments to contain a promise (Ephesians 6:2,3). To “honor” in the original Hebrew language includes the qualities of love, affection, gratitude, obedience, and respect.  Through honoring our parents, we first learn to honor all that are in authority over us. If children do not learn to honor their parents, then they will likely not honor any in authority. Are you ensuring that your children honor their parents so that they will grow up honoring the law of…

  • Engage

    Sharpened or Dulled?

    Yesterday I enjoyed a delicious lunch with a wonderful group of godly women. Although only a few of them are my close friends, I admire them all and look forward to our infrequent lunches because the conversation always refreshes me spiritually. In contrast, I remember another meal years ago with a friend and her friends where the discussion focused on the material and the physical. When I left, I was struck with the thought that much time with them would likely leave me feeling bad about my looks, my clothing, or my finances—or maybe all three.  My choice of companions has made a huge difference in the person I am…