Headed to the Courtroom
Since I find myself on another jury today, it’s only appropriate to run this 2013 blog post again . . . Yesterday I was selected to serve on a jury for a trial that is anticipated to last three to four weeks. The jury selection process was an all-day affair, lasting over twelve hours and creating quite a sense of camaraderie in the process. I keep thinking about the three major take-aways from this experience. First, the multiple defense attorneys for the four defendants (thus the long trial) repeatedly reminded us that the American justice system is built on the foundation of “presumed innocent until proven guilty.” And that is…
What A Day!!!
This is the day the Lord has brought about. We will be happy and rejoice in it. Psalm 118:24 NET Have you ever had one of those days when rejoicing in the Lord is not in your heart and far from your mind? Last night you did not sleep. You woke up at midnight sick and spent most of your sleeping time in the bathroom. As you quickly ran to the bathroom, due to a gurgling stomach, you stubbed your toe on the bed, tripped over the laundry basket of folded clothes, and almost stepped on the dog who was asleep by the bathroom door. Once there you realized…