Guided By an Unseen Hand – Part 2
Just two months ago, I wrote about trusting God’s hand even when you can’t see his plan. In a short time so much has changed, and yet the challenge to walk by faith remains. After a year and a half of waiting, praying, trusting, my husband was offered a new job. But it didn’t come in the package we expected. The trials of the past year opened our hands. Eventually we told the Lord we’d go anywhere—we just wanted to be used by him to make a difference. And he answered. My husband was offered a job nearly four hours from where we currently live. We’ve both grown up in…
“Train Up a Child…”- Proverbs
What better book to help train up a child than Proverbs? Granted there are some subjects in Proverbs that are too much adult information for a child. Nevertheless, I believe that there is much in every chapter that would profit our children and help them grow up to be wise adults. It is an important balance for the parent or teacher to allow a child to be a child while teaching them the important principles that will train them up to be wise adults. Too many adults in this generation lack wisdom. Even those with lots of street savvy or book learning, many times, do not have the wisdom to…