Thanksgiving with God

Sunday School Chronicles
Me: Guess what’s coming up?
Kids: Thanksgiving!
Me: Oh yeah!!!!! I’m super pumped! I have three favorite holidays. Halloween, Christmas, and my birthday!
Kid 1: Your birthday isn’t a holiday!
Me: The nerve of you! It is in my fantasy! And y’all already know, when you come into this room, you’ve entered The Jantasy! Therefore, my birthday is a holiday!
Kids: Wow Ms. Janay! Haha! Oh my gosh!
Me: But seriously, did you know the Bible talks about Thanksgiving?
Kid 2: But Thanksgiving happened later.
Me: Oh yeah! That’s cool and all but I’m talking about a different Thanksgiving.
Kid 3: A different Thanksgiving?
Me: Yeah! In Psalm, King David tells us to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise. Why do you think David wants us to do that?
Kid 1: Because God is good?
Me: Yes! And because God is good, He’s done so much for us! He loves us. He gave His only Son for us. God provides for you. He loves you. God protects you. If you sat down and wrote a list of everything God did for you in the last three days alone, could you truly walk into God’s presence feeling anything but thankful and happy?
Reflect: Sometimes, it’s hard to approach God with Thanksgiving. When things are hard, the last thing you want to feel is thankful. But, take the time to write down all the things God has done for you, especially when you felt unseen and ignored. Remember that God is there and He’ll never leave you.