The Blue Light Special
Most evenings involve the routine of walking our dog Buddy. He loves his walks and being a big dog needs a lot of exercise. I must admit that my wife does a majority of the dog walking but I have also come accustomed to going with her or taking him myself. He is rather demanding when it comes to his walks so he lets us know when he is overdue.
Most evenings involve the routine of walking our dog Buddy. He loves his walks and being a big dog needs a lot of exercise. I must admit that my wife does a majority of the dog walking but I have also come accustomed to going with her or taking him myself. He is rather demanding when it comes to his walks so he lets us know when he is overdue. We have walked several different routes in the neighborhood but no matter what way we go especially in the evening I have observed that most households have the same blue light beaming from inside. This light is an intense blue light that flickers and sometimes can be seen coming from multiple windows in the home. You probably already guessed what I am talking about. It’s that universal household item we call the television.
In my lifetime (40 plus years) the TV has gone from something that some families have owned to now most families having more than one and many having one in every room. No matter what your personal viewing habits have become we can all agree that television can be a negative force influencing our minds and thoughts. I know I underestimate the influence of television on my own mind and heart. The influence can be subtle but powerful. Being exposed to a consistent diet of worldly messages will impact my decisions. I have seen it in the lives of others and especially in my own life. TV is not bad and has much that is educational and even inspirational as it can be a tool to proclaim the gospel but if the blue light is the major influence on my life and thoughts than I will reap the results. The Apostle Paul said it this way.
Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2
This conformity happens as we begin to be desensitized by all kinds of messages that run counter to God’s word. If my mind is going to be renewed than I have to be reading my bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to filter the worldly messages that I hear every day through the truth of His word. This is the only way to test and approve God’s will for my life. I need that every day because without it I am destined to rationalize and wander from the life God has given me.
Too much TV can drive me to hopelessness about this world since TV celebrates dysfunction or drive me to an idealism that says everything worth pursuing is temporal and material. Scripture tells what is true, what is false and who I can and should be in Christ. Jesus is the light of the world and his life should shine brightly from my life and yes even the windows of my home. So… be careful of being exposed to too much of the blue light, it’s not that special.