
The Greatest Valentine!

Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s day, it seems we pay…

For tokens of love to give away–

To people we cherish or hold very dear.

To those far off and those very near.

Candy, flowers and even stuffed bears,

All intended to show we care.

But there was one, who gave not only his heart,

but his life in full –He paid our part.

The red paper hearts a reminder to me

Of the blood Christ shed on Calvary.

The lace doilies all beautiful and white.

A symbol of Christ’s beauty and transforming light.

For surely my Valentine’s love is abounding for me.

For who else would pay such a price indeed?

Valentine’s may be a day for men,

But use it to remember the price paid for our sin.


I remember as a child being so excited to decorate my shoe box and fill out all my Valentines cards for my classmates. My children did the same thing.

I remember hoping for a special valentine card from whoever I liked at the time and as I got older maybe a special gift.

But what happens when our children taste rejection in the sweetest of areas—- love?

What happens when Jimmy gives the best valentine to Susie instead of your child? What happens when little hearts get broken because they didn’t get a special piece of candy?

First, assure them they are dearly loved by you. Children need to know that we love them and that nothing can change that.

Second, let them know that they are so loved that God sent his only son to die and rise again for them so that they could have eternal life.

The Bible says in John 3:16 (NIV), For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Now that is love!

Sherry Shepherd is an experienced, adaptable professional specialized in writing for faith-based organizations. She has worked as an editor and writer for newspaper, movie guides, publishing houses, churches and several non-profits. Her scope of work includes corporate and fundraising materials, advertising, web, brochures, booklets, books, blogs and biblical training materials. However, her heart is drawn to any type of creative writing, where she can motivate while conveying a biblical message and telling a story. Sherry is the mother of three grown children, who have been the source of some of her greatest joy, laughter and material!