What do kids think? Have you ever watched a re-run of the Art Linkletter show, “Kids Say the Darnedest Things?” The crux of this great TV show centered on Linkletter asking kids to respond to all sorts of questions. Of course, kids will say the darnedest things and those responses would get a laugh and entertain audiences young and old.
During their interaction with Linkletter, kids would respond by spouting off the first thing that came to their precious little minds. The show was such a big hit, later in 1998, Bill Cosby aired a similar version of it as he interacted with kids ranging in age from 3 – 8 years old.
What do kids think? Have you ever watched a re-run of the Art Linkletter show, “Kids Say the Darnedest Things?” The crux of this great TV show centered on Linkletter asking kids to respond to all sorts of questions. Of course, kids will say the darnedest things and those responses would get a laugh and entertain audiences young and old.
During their interaction with Linkletter, kids would respond by spouting off the first thing that came to their precious little minds. The show was such a big hit, later in 1998, Bill Cosby aired a similar version of it as he interacted with kids ranging in age from 3 – 8 years old.
Easter is fast approaching and within a few days many people around the world will celebrate this extraordinary Christian holiday. On Easter Sunday many families will dress up in clothes purchased just for this special day…and they’ll attend Easter worship services at their local church. Easter Sunday is, without a doubt, one of the most attended church services throughout the year. Millions of people, both young and old, will attend an Easter morning service, but many of them will not attend church any other time of the year.
Why is this so? Perhaps it is because of the significance of Easter to our faith…that isthe importance of the sacrificial death for the remission of our sins and the glorious resurrection of or our Lord Jesus Christ. Without the sacrificial death and the resurrection of Jesus, we would have no hope for an eternal future and therefore, would be destined to spiritual death and separation from God forever. Perhaps people come to church only on Easter Sunday because of this reality…or just to make them feel better throughout the rest of the year. Either way, Easter Sunday is celebrated by many people around the world and to Christians, this day is the most important and significant time in Jesus’ ministry on earth.
Most children’s ministry programs will engage their children in special activities and
teach biblical lessons as they embrace and remember the death, burial, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. To understand the faith of a child, spend
some time asking them questions about Jesus…and then write down their responses.
Children will give honest answers and will delight you with their faith in Jesus.
Encourage them to think as you disciple them and teach them the truth of Scripture. Let
a child bless you this year and touch your heart by asking them this very simple
question; “What does Easter mean to you?”
Adrianna, age 5, answered the question this way…
"It’s when Jesus died on the cross and rose again."
Luke, age 6, when asked, "What does Easter mean to you?" responded with the
following thoughts…
“What we celebrate on Easter Sunday, is that Jesus rose from the dead. You see,
Jesus died on the cross and then 3 days later He rose from the dead. It was God's plan
so our sins would be forgiven. In the olden days (Old Testament) they would sacrifice
animals so their sins would be forgiven. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for our sins to be
forgiven. And He only died once. There were 2 men who also were crucified with Him,
but they were criminals. They did bad things to get punished and crucified. Jesus
never did anything wrong. He was perfect. Then 40 days later He ascended into
heaven. One day I will see Jesus in heaven and we will have a big new house.
Oh, and I really do like all the candy… is that ok?”
Alena, age 7, had this to say about Easter…
"It means He died on a Friday-Good Friday and rose on a Sunday. And he is a really
good man. It was a miracle. And now He like helps people…so they can live with no
problems….well not any problems…but like…well it’s complicated. Like when I am really
upset and I tell daddy I can't calm down and he says yes you can because Jesus will
help you."
Through the eyes of a child we can learn about faith, the faith of a child that Jesus
spoke about in Mark 10:13-16. Use this time of year to tell the story about how Jesus
died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins…but He rose again and defeated
death on the third day (Matt. 27:45-28:10); and He is now seated at the right hand of
our Father in heaven, always making intercession on our behalf Col. 3:1 & Heb. 7:25.
As Children’s Ministry Leaders, engage the children and encourage them to embrace
the risen Lord, for His glorious resurrection is the reason for our celebration. Hallelujah
to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords…Christ the Lord is indeed risen! Have a
very Blessed Easter!
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