
Transformation or Behavior Modification

At the beginning of each New Year Americans make New's Years resolutions pledging to change their ways.  Each March most of these resolutions have gone by the wayside and are no where to be seen until the beginning of the next new year comes around. 

At the beginning of each New Year Americans make New's Years resolutions pledging to change their ways.  Each March most of these resolutions have gone by the wayside and are no where to be seen until the beginning of the next new year comes around. 

I am by no means a keeper of resolutions and I, as many people do, want to improve their lives, change their ways and better the world around them.  All of this is up to me.  It starts with my discernment of what needs to change, my ability to put a plan into action and my discipline to stick to it.
The Christian spiritual life is the complete opposite.  The spiritual life begins with God, not with me.  It begins with His abilities to transform, not my abilities to make changes.  There is a dependence on Him rather than on myself.
As we consider resolutions this year, let us lean into God.  He Who is always in the process of transformation and never fails rather than lean and depend on ourselves.


  • Donna

    New Years Resolutions
    Now that is the best advice regarding New Years resolutions that I’ve heard in a long time. What great perspective! Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to help me start this New Year in the right frame of mind. I’m going to put this in our church bulletin Sunday, so we all thank you. (You’ll get the appropriate credit 🙂 )

    God bless YOU in the New Year.


  • Ann

    Large Pet
    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

