
Wait For Hope to Appear

Many times, we will find ourselves surrounded by suffering. It seldom makes any sense and it sometimes hurts so deep that words fail to adequately describe our pain. I wrote the following blog in a time such as this and with these few words, I found hope. 

“When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions. Wait for hope to appear. Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face. The ‘worst’ is never the worst.” Lamentations 3:28-30 (MSG) (italics and bold mine)
I struggle with the idea of waiting especially when “life is heavy and hard to take.” Life happens. And when it gets combined with chaos and suffering, I tend to fall apart. When I finally run to God, I seek a quick fix from Him instead of refuge.
For me, waiting for hope can feel like torture. Most of my anxiety comes from choosing to tackle my problems instead of trusting God. After all, He desires to have a relationship with me, especially during difficult times. He wants to give me the hope that I need so that I can endure and press on. When I choose to handle things on my own, I go in all different directions because I don’t know what to do. My mind stays incredibly busy, planning, strategizing my next move. Unable to hear God or even think about God, I fall apart.
In times of trouble, I should avoid letting my mind get that crazy. Lamentations tells me that I need to stop. If I want to listen to God and experience the hope He has for me, I need to get alone with Him. I need to let go of the wrestling, pleading, crying and embrace the silence in waiting.
Entering the silence means facing my problems head on and laying them in God’s hands. It means giving Him control and allowing God to do His thing in my life. It means confession, admission of pride—letting go of my I-can-do-this attitude and trust Him with all the messiness of my life.
Honestly, in the midst of hard, I want a miracle. I want the tangible instead of faith. I want to avoid confessing my inability to deal with life on my own because of pride. The silence however, shows me the truth. Without Christ, I can’t. With Him, I can. In Him, I have everything.
All of this then reminds me that the hope I have in Christ continues to work miracles in my life. In laying down my pride, God’s grace works through my hardships. I can focus on serving others by extending God’s grace to them. Hope appears and joy soon follows. Bam! I have my miracle!
No matter what hardships you face, you’ve got to wait for hope to appear. I promise it will! Don’t avoid the hard. Instead, stop, pray and wait.
“Why? Because the Master won’t ever walk out and fail to return. If he works severely, he also works tenderly. His stockpiles of loyal love are immense.” Lamentations 3:31-33a (MSG)
Why do you find it difficult to wait for God during hardships? How can you encourage others to wait for hope to appear?
This blog post originally appeared in the Sacred Story Ministries Blog.

Raquel Wroten (MAMC, Dallas Theological Seminary) was born in McAllen, Texas but has lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area most of her life. Raised by a single mother, Raquel grew up knowing the meaning of diversity, creativity, and chaos through her four brothers and three sisters. The greatest gift she ever received came from her mother who taught her that living as a believer doesn’t mean perfection, it means grace. Raquel met her husband Rick at a church retreat in Oklahoma on a cold November weekend. They dated for a year and got married in June 1992. A couple of years later, Rick graduated with his ThM, and they welcomed Joshua. . .then Abby. . .and surprise, it’s Anna! Intermixing their cultures, the Wrotens have established a variety of traditions along with interesting combinations of food. Raquel believes that ministry begins at home so she finds new ways of serving those she calls her own. Raquel serves as editor of DTS Magazine and enjoys writing (in English, Spanish and Spanglish), cooking, coffee, education and serving up a feast for her friends and family.


  • Chantelle S.

    I need Him now

    I am having difficulty waiting on the Lord to "show up and show out" in my life.  I talk to Him all the time.  I find myself complaining more while waiting for Him.  Sadness overwhelms me.  I seek a stable foundation in Him.  I'm unsure of what to do.  Reading this blog has given clarity in a time of struggle and suffering.

    • Raquel Wroten

      Praying for you – He’s with you now!

      One of my favorite verses these days has been Romans 11:33-36 as it reminds me that I will never understand the "behind the scenes" of my life. I want the end result, but I don't necessarily want the process. But if this is what it takes to keep me on my knees, then so be it. It's okay that you're sad, it's okay that you're unsure of what to do, it's okay if you sound like you're complaining. He hears you. You're not telling Him anything He doesn't already know. Just be assured and keep trusting that God has an eternal purpose for the the display of His glory in your life. He is working in you…I promise He is. Just keep talking to Him. He's there with you. 

      What a blessing for me to know that this blog encouraged you. To God be the glory!!


    I so needed to be reminded of

    I so needed to be reminded of this. I almost drive myself insane sometimes trying to figure out what God wants me to do to fix the hard stuff. This reminded me that He will do the fixing. I just need to wait in expectant hope until I see the problem resolved. Thank you.