
What is grace?

Many people ask me how grace works. Or I hear them talking and I can see they don’t quite understand the process. Here is an example of how grace works and how God see us. This example does work best if you have children or multiple people who you care very deeply about.

Many people ask me how grace works. Or I hear them talking and I can see they don’t quite understand the process. Here is an example of how grace works and how God see us. This example does work best if you have children or multiple people who you care very deeply about.

You’re a parent you have three children. They are all in their teens. Your youngest child is a wonderful child. They do all their chores, offer to do more than they are told, asked to get a job so they could help pay some of the bills in the house. They see the financial burden on the household and truly wants to help. They always clean their room, picks up after everyone in the house and even offers to cook and do laundry.

The middle child is polite yet does nothing more than you ask. Will always do as told but nothing more, nothing less. Your oldest child wont do a thing. Never picks up after themselves, in fact taunts the youngest child and makes them do everything for them. Steals money out of your wallet/pocket book so they can buy drugs. Never comes home on time, never calls, talks back to you even curses you in public. You have lost so much sleep over this one and you no longer know what to do with them.

One day all three children are home and someone breaks into the house. They tie up the three children and holds a gun to your head. They say one of your children has to die, Pick one. Who do you pick? Do you pick the youngest? How could you? They have done everything in their power to please you by doing so many wonderful things? Their good works alone speaks loudly enough. The middle child? After all they did exactly as they are ask. Nothing more. Or how about the oldest? How many headaches and heartaches has this one caused? Never did a decent kind thing for anyone in their entire life?

Can you really pick one? Is you love for all three not the same? Would you not do anything in your power to provide a fourth selection? Offer another kind of sacrifice? Even yourself?

How do you think God sees us? We see each other as the three children. Some doing wonderful works. Some doing just enough to get by and others doing nothing at all and causing problems. During that time you had to make the decision on who had to die, did the youngest Child’s good works come into mind? Did the lack of good works of the oldest come into mind? Did anyone of them earn the right in your eyes not to die? Or did you love them all the same and want to protect them all? God loves us all the same. He sees us all as his children. He knows that death awaits us and wants to offer us a way out. Jesus

John 14:6 Jesus replied “ I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except though me”

Eph 2:8 For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God;

One Comment

  • Al Rossi

    Grace is Amazing

    Mike I loved your illustration of grace!  The longer I live the more I realize how big and in comprehensible God's grace is.  It won't be till heaven that we understand the depth of God's grace.