
World Vision Catches the Eye of the New York Times Feb 28

Every now and then the work of evangelicals catches the attention of those around us. Nicolas Kristof of the New York Times has an editorial today praising the relief work of World Vision, noting how it is the largest relief organization in the world. Richard Stearns’ book The Hole in the Gospel is also noted. It does take a while.

Every now and then the work of evangelicals catches the attention of those around us. Nicolas Kristof of the New York Times has an editorial today praising the relief work of World Vision, noting how it is the largest relief organization in the world. Richard Stearns’ book The Hole in the Gospel is also noted. It does take a while. I led a discussion panel on this book for Christianity Today over a year ago. Still it is significant to see that solid efforts to show evangelicals care do get noticed.


Here is the link:


  • Anonymous

    As always praise the Lord
    As always praise the Lord and pass the collection plate sheesh Wonderful information Please keep blogging!!