
A Nice Limo Ride

I am just returning from Wheaton College board meetings. My limo ride back to the airport was refreshing.

I am just returning from Wheaton College board meetings. My limo ride back to the airport was refreshing.

The driver attends Willow Creek. His testimony was the he landed there through dioverce recovery. He now was reading his Bible. His kids had found a place to enjoy chuirch and think spiritually. He loved the worship. He was reading theology. He had seen members engage in ministry of helping others in a wide variety of ways (to single moms, to the needy, to people in Africa by helping them grow their own food). My thought was, this is what a church is supposed to be doing, helping people come back to God and serve. What a great short story. 

It was an encouraging limo ride in a world that often lacks nice stories.