
More Scary Bridges

A couple of years ago I wrote a post called Crossing Scary Bridges http://beyondordinarywomen.org/crossing-scary-bridges/ about following God despite fear.

As I reread that post today, I wondered how prepared I am to cross scary bridges to love my neighbors as myself. Am I ready to care for the immigrant who is unlike me? Will I sacrifice any riches and stuff for others? Will I befriend those who think and live differently? Will I take the time needed to understand the differing perspectives of people of other races, backgrounds, and weaknesses by going out of my way to build friendships?

Our hate-filled world feeds our fears instead of our faith. God promises to give us strength, power, and wisdom to cross those bridges. Instead of watching and listening to voices that echo our fears, let’s fill our minds with biblical truth. Let’s turn off anyone—politician, preacher, or news talk host—who uses fear of other people or loss of prosperity to grow their followers. We should look different from the world because of God’s love.

Honestly, I struggle to overcome the fear of tangibly loving those who are unlike me, just as you may. I hear the scary voices and want to run and hide or retreat to my own little world that feels comfortable and safe.

I don’t know the best way to move forward, but I can’t let that become my excuse for doing nothing. I intend to do something, take a small step of some kind, and I am praying for God’s wisdom.

Paul’s words to Timothy written in a time of persecution under Nero call me to cross scary bridges: “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control,” (2 Tim. 1:7).

What verses has God used to give you the courage to follow him instead of giving in to fear?


This article was first published on The Aroma of Influence at beyondordinarywomen.org/more-scary-bridges/ on 3/1/16.

Kay is a life-long Texan whose favorites are Tex-Mex, books that feed her soul or make her think, good movies and travel to new places. Her great joy is to serve God by teaching the Bible and developing women as servant-leaders. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Beyond Ordinary Women Ministries, which provides free videos, podcasts and articles as well as low-cost Bible studies to prepare Christian women for leadership. (beyondordinarywomen.org) Kay spent ten years leading women’s ministries on church staffs, most recently at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas. Kay is the author of From Ordinary Woman to Spiritual Leader: Grow your Influence, a practical guide to help Christian women influence others by applying foundational leadership skills to their lives and ministries, and a number of Bible studies for women, some are available at bible.org and the newer ones are found at beyondordinarywomen.org. Kay earned an M.A.C.E. from Dallas Theological Seminary and a D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Effective Ministries to Women. Kay’s family includes a husband, two grown children, one son-in-law, two hysterical granddaughters and a Goldendoodle.