Press On

Press On!

In my Engage Blog last month, I focused on the verses of Philippians 3:12-14. I concentrated on Paul’s imploring us to stay the course, to not dwell on our successes and failures, to realize the Christian life is not an idle one, but always diligent, though often repetitive yet moving our lives towards the higher calling of Christ.

Paul was well aware of the enemy’s efforts to destroy God’s plans. In the NIV his words read, “Straining toward what is ahead, I press on…” And so must we! Here’s how we can press on through practical and scriptural help.

Live a Life of Change

I read 75 out of 200 book titles incorporate the word “change” in it. Since the beginning of the 20th Century over 18 million titles use the word “change.” Something compels us towards change. We want change! In our lives, our circumstances, our society. I believe God connects change to our gifts and abilities. Our gifts, when used, change us, and change others.

Though, it’s not always easy to embrace change. When I was about to become an empty nester, I complained to my son, “I don’t like change.”

He told me, “Mom, that’s because as you get older, change becomes more of what you are losing, than what you are gaining.” There was truth in his insightfulness. Truth, I didn’t want to hear or accept.

So, I determined to take the words my son shared and turn them around. 

  1. My first thought became to purpose each year to discover, create, and incorporate something fun and new into my life. Though I’ve lost the physical ability to take part in several things I once enjoyed, more time to pursue other areas of interest and giftedness opened up in my life. 
  2. I try not to lose heart. Honestly, I find this an immense challenge. Maybe you do too? Your life may face different unwelcomed changes. We cannot control the things God allows that enter our lives. But we can find great consolation in 2 Corinthians 4:16, “Therefore we do not despair, but even if our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day.” What an amazing promise of daily change we can welcome into our lives. No loss, just gain!
  3. I focus my biggest changes in life toward Christ. Either we believe nothing compares to life in Christ, or we don’t. For me, there’s nothing better than change that brings glory and honor to God.

In short, in order to press on, we don’t make change our enemy; we make it our objective!

Live a Life of Practice

Lately I’ve been cleaning out paper files. One of those files I labeled “Computer Help.” It comprises brief notes I wrote when learning to navigate new things on my computer years ago. If I forgot how to manage something, I would refer to my note. Something my husband appreciated versus asking him repeatedly for help. Now I store my help notes in a folder on my computer. So, I took my written notes to transfer them to my computer. However, I soon realized I no longer needed my written notes. For I had mastered everything in my help notes from years of practice. 

The Christian life consists of a lot of practice in the right direction. We find our “help notes” in the Bible. Christian maturity develops slowly over many years. It results from pressing on in faithful practice of what we find in God’s Word.  

Live a Life of Fixing Your Mind

Marcus Aurelius, philosopher, and Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD observed: “The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes the color of your thoughts. Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

One of our greatest struggles in life becomes the battle over our thoughts. Everything starts in the mind and influences all our actions and decisions. Therefore, God asks us to fix our minds on “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

We can’t press on when our mind becomes cluttered with unhealthy and sometimes ungodly thoughts. What color are your thoughts?

Live a Life of Vision

Years ago, in the late fall, we moved into a fifty-year-old home in Duncansville, PA. The prior and only previous owners were three sisters. The house was being sold by the last sister still alive. A house that sat on an acre of land. The owner only made one request of us. Please don’t take out, remove, mow over anything in the yard until you see what happens in the spring.

We respected her wish, waited for spring, and then…WOW! In the spring, a long row of peony bushes popped up, hundreds of bulbs sprung up from the ground, wildflowers appeared everywhere, especially an abundance of vibrant orange poppies. We even had a grapevine of lush red grapes our children could sell to those who drove by.

The sisters had created something of ineffable beauty and inspiration. They practiced a great principle. That we reach our goals one step (or bulb) at a time, no matter how small the step. The women loved to plant and realized that over time, they would achieve what they envisioned.

Pressing on requires vision and patience! Paul realized we are God’s work in progress. One day spring will arrive and everything we envisioned and more will overwhelm us. If we press on to win the prize for which God has called each believer.

Nancy Mackensen grew up in southern California and remains a forever lover of sand and ocean. A born daydreamer who one day found herself ruined for Christ. Nancy relishes quiet moments exploring all she can know of God. His Word being the catalyst for her life and work.

Her broad service in Christian ministry includes writing, teaching, women’s ministries, various leadership roles, short-term missions, and evangelism. Nancy holds a Master of Biblical and Theological Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Nancy writes to convince women and men to become obedient followers of Christ, living transformed lives that will transform the lives of others. She’s the author of one book, Your Story His Glory, an East African discipleship book.

Nancy enjoys freelance writing, speaking opportunities, working on the next book, or creating new blogs for her website, At day’s end, she’s eager to relax and enjoy time with her husband, Russ. They live in Dallas, have two married children, and four amazing grandkids.

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