Said This Blogger to the People Everywhere
It’s Christmas.
Celebrate the ultimate expression of love in the birth of God’s Son, Jesus. Celebrate His life—His power over death, for it is how we have salvation. It is how we have a relationship with God.
Take in His grace. Embrace it and don’t let it go. Take the freedom you have in Christ and play. Enjoy your life and the gifts God has given you. Laugh so hard your sides hurt. And go ahead and cry if you want because of the unexplicable love He has for you. Yes, He loves you dearly.
Stay in wonder. Can you imagine? The God-man born—given to us to bring joy to all people—to you!
Have courage. You have taken the Good News, accepted it and you’re saved! Perhaps life seems hard right now. Find your rest in Him. Find the peace you need in His gift for you. Remember, you belong to Him and nothing will take you out of His hands.
Keep looking. The Lord’s glory continues to surround you. For the Holy Spirit indwells in God’s people. His radiance beautifies those He calls His own. We are hidden in Christ, safely guarded, protected and defended.
Enjoy the miracle of Him. Continue to keep the wonder of His birth in your heart. Think about it all year long. Keep holding on to the goodness of God. Treasure Him and keep celebrating God’s ultimate expression of love—Jesus.
Merry Christmas!
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16–17, NLT)