The Week That Changed The World (Video Presentations)
A Video Tour of the Passion Week The purpose of this blog is to provide easy access to excellent videos recently produced about Passion Week – The Week That Changed The World. They are narrated by Dr. Wayne Stiles a former Impact Author.
Holy Week – Jesus Praying in the Garden
After sharing the Passover meal Jesus and his disciples begin walking toward the Garden of Gethsemane. Anticipating what was going to happen to him in a matter of hours, Jesus goes ahead to a place to pray asking Peter, James and John to wait with Him while he prays. He was deeply distressed and troubled (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14: 32-41; Luke 22:40-46). He falls to the ground burdened with excessive sorrow. He prays to the Father for Himself, for His disciples and for all who would ever believe – for you and for me. Can you imagine what it would have been like to overhear the prayer conversation between…