• Engage

    The Whole Law

    After church one day an older woman approached me and said, “I didn’t see you in church today. I saw your husband take communion, but I didn’t see you take communion.” I responded, “You are correct. I did not take communion today.” To which she replied, “I’ve been sitting in the front row for years, and I know exactly who does and does not take communion.” I think she even ended with a, “Hmphh,” but I can’t confirm that. Now, I sometimes just blurt stuff out without weighing the consequences. Lucky for my husband in this moment I did more weighing than blurting. Not that I cared what she thought…

  • Engage

    The Jewish High Priest and Jesus – Significance?

      Understanding the history and background in the Old Testament of the priestly function prepares us to answer the questions, “What does it mean that Jesus is our High Priest? Why is this important?”    In the Old Testament from the time of Moses the priests were descendants of Levi. The Levites provided the priestly line and performed the priestly duties on behalf of all the people of Israel. Their duties were to minister at the altar, burn the sacrifices and teach the law (Deuteronomy 33:8-10; Hosea 4:1-10). In Israel, when the priesthood represented the nations’ relationship with God, the Levites served in a representative character for the whole nation…