It’s Not Easy, Being Green
A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; but jealousy is like cancer in the bones (Proverbs 14:30, NLT) We can thank William Shakespeare for giving us the term “green eyed monster” when describing the destructiveness of jealousy. In the story of Othello, Shakespeare demonstrates the devastating results of it—and why it truly is a “monster.” As it was in biblical days and Shakespeare’s day, so it is in our day. Jealousy and her offspring (resentment, anger, hatred, deceit, etc.) have been a root cause of sin in the church and in the world, and we would be wise to take a more serious look at it. It is so…
Jacob and Esau as rivals
Title: Jacob and Esau as rivals Aim: To highlight the importance of making the things of God, not the things of the world, our highest priority. Scripture: Genesis 25:19–34 The Birth of Esau and Jacob, Genesis 25:19-26 As Genesis 25:19 and 20 state, Abraham was the father of Isaac, who was 40 years old when he married Rebekah. Genesis 24 (the longest chapter in the book) records how Abraham’s chief servant found Rebekah as a wife for Isaac. As the daughter of Bethuel, Rebekah was a near relative of Abraham’s family. The text says that Bethuel was an Aramean from Paddan Aram (Deut. 26:5), which means “Plain…