
The Wait of Infertility

Guest Blog by my student and friend Julie Fuller:  We in western culture tend towards impatience. In general, we do not enjoy waiting…in lines, for food, for replies. Occasionally, I even find myself urging the microwave to heat food faster. The journey of infertility is all about waiting. Waiting for a new month, waiting in medical offices, waiting on test results.


God works in wondrous ways; what seems to be a wasteland of waiting on the journey to our “real” destination might actually lead to His intended purpose. Sometimes I am unable to see His hand at work because of my laser-focus on what I desire in this earthly life.

The meandering trail off our perceived path might be a new opportunity to do His will. When we travel through the season of waiting, we can act — grab hold of His Word, pray continually, and pay attention. Trust in Him.

I spent six years caught up in the journey of infertility. When my dream path turned barren and bumpy my spirit underwent drastic changes. I planted my feet in the soil of bitterness and distrust. Only after I took a step towards the unknown side trail did I begin to see that it led to a miraculous beginning.
In the midst of waiting I learned to move. My problem, my challenge, and my attempt at solutions ruled my focus. By digging into His Word, praying for His Will, and paying attention to His lead, I shook off the dirt by His Power and took baby steps in trust. This change in direction led me to His peace and will.

God revealed new depths of meaning in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Waiting becomes fertile ground when we actively seek, trust, and follow His direction.

Julie Shannon Fuller graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary and currently studies under Dr. Sue Edwards. Julie spent six years on an infertility journey and through speaking and writing she desires to share solutions and stories encouraging others through their realities of life.

In an upcoming workshop she will equip participants with fresh insight and understanding about infertility and how to offer practical compassion to family members, co-workers, neighbors, and friends walking this road.
Contact:  Web: http://julieshannonfuller.com    
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Dr. Edwards is Assistant Professor of Christian Education (Specialization: Women's Studies) at Dallas Theological Seminary and holds degrees from Trinity University, DTS, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is the author of New Doors in Ministry to Women, A Fresh Model for Transforming Your Church, Campus, or Mission Field and Women's Retreats, A Creative Planning Guide. She has 30 years experience in Bible teaching, directing women's ministry, retreat and conference speaking, training teams and teachers, and writing curriculum. Married to David for 34 years, she especially enjoys extended family gatherings and romping with her four grandchildren.