
A Free Evangelism Gospel App for VBS

What we know as “Vacation Bible School,” originally began as “Everyday Bible School” at a New York beer hall in 1898.

According to a Lifeway article:  

“Initially, it was a plan of a compassionate doctor’s wife who sensed a need to get children off the streets of New York during the summertime. Mrs. Walker Aylett Hawes went to New York City from Charlottesville, Virginia, with her husband who was specializing in a medical ministry to children. She noted that many of the children attended to at her husband’s clinic received injuries as they played in the streets of New York City. She surmised that they needed something safe and fruitful to occupy their time” (from VBS: An Historical Perspective).  

Fast forward to today and more than half of the churches in the US now offer VBS for their communities. Additionally, based on research from 2012, Barna estimates that 9 out of 10 Southern Baptist Churches host VBS programs (read the Barna article here).

With the high number of churches hosting these summer activities for children, I wanted to share one of my favorite resources for mobile devices!

The CrossTalk App — This interactive gospel presentation features touch activated animation with clear and simple illustrations. It’s a fun and creative way to share the gospel through your smart phone or tablet! (also in Spanish; adapts to Spanish if mobile device language is set up as Spanish ).






Sarah is the author of Bathsheba’s Responsibility in Light of Narrative Analysis, contributor to Vindicating the Vixens, and contributing editor for The Evangelism Study Bible. Some of her previous ministry experiences have included teaching and mentoring of adults and children in a wide variety of settings. Her small claim to fame is that she has worked with children of every age range from birth through high school over the past 20 years. She and her husband Ben reside in Richardson, Texas with their four children.