A Man on His Knees and the Church
I have served at Trinity Fellowship Church for well over 30 years. It is a lively community with an active elder board. We love to share key events with the body. Last week we had a ordination service for a man and his wife who both graduated from Seminary and literally were travelling from the service to their new ministry in West Virginia.
I have served at Trinity Fellowship Church for well over 30 years. It is a lively community with an active elder board. We love to share key events with the body. Last week we had a ordination service for a man and his wife who both graduated from Seminary and literally were travelling from the service to their new ministry in West Virginia. It was a public ordination service, something I rarely see. One of the people on our staff wrote a reflection about the event. I thought it was well said and worth posting. So here it is. Thanks to Kari Jane Smith for allowing me to post it.
Sometimes a conversation surprises…and one walks away in awe. This happened to me this past Sunday in our TFC hallway following a wonderful worship service. We had just witnessed a very special ceremony as a part of our worship service. And our Church Body, including our children, observed it. Sometimes we are prone to think of the Church as adults only. However, our elders cast the vision several years ago for intentional multi-generational reach and worship. If you are 80, 38, 18 or 8 years old, you are welcome to worship and grow with one another. So, all ages were present as we watched this very special ceremony during our worship service…a Pastoral Ordination.
Have you ever witnessed a man being ordained as a pastor? In my experience, it is somewhat rare. Therefore, it holds a certain unique feeling for me. Inviting children to be part of the moment is what spurred that conversation in the hall on Sunday. A mom of a young boy was sharing with me her concern that she is teaching her child enough to prepare him for life. I asked her if she felt equipped by our Family Ministries Team and by the church as a whole? She thoughtfully replied, “yes,” and shared what she thought would be helpful. Then, the surprise. As we reflected on the pastoral ordination part of the service, she said these words:
“I am so grateful my son was present to see Chad ordained as a pastor today… When does a child ever see a man on his knees? When do we ever see a man on his knees at church? When do we ever see a man on his knees with his wife by his side while the Elders pray over them? When do we ever see a man publicly declare his love and devotion to God…on his knees?
As we both wiped away tears, we rejoiced that our church, all of us, were with Chad and Melissa Cowan as they stepped out in faith and obedience…on their knees.
Kari Jane Smith
TFC Children’s Minister
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