
Bounce Your Heart

I don’t know the statistics on women and pornography, but I’m not naïve enough to think that we don’t struggle with it. Not to the same proportion as men, but it’s still a problem for us. I’m also not naïve enough to think that because more men struggle with it that makes us women more holy. We’ve just got to compare the equivalent thing for women, and we’ll see how not holy we really are.

So, what is that equivalent thing? Well, men are moved visually, and women are moved emotionally. Hmmm, something that moves us emotionally. Watch this clip of Joy Eggerichs if you don’t already know where I’m going with this.

I don’t know the statistics on women and pornography, but I’m not naïve enough to think that we don’t struggle with it. Not to the same proportion as men, but it’s still a problem for us. I’m also not naïve enough to think that because more men struggle with it that makes us women more holy. We’ve just got to compare the equivalent thing for women, and we’ll see how not holy we really are.

So, what is that equivalent thing? Well, men are moved visually, and women are moved emotionally. Hmmm, something that moves us emotionally. Watch this clip of Joy Eggerichs if you don’t already know where I’m going with this.

She puts it pretty well. We’ve got our own addictions and methods of escape. We’ve got our own things that we need to watch out for.

I know that many men who work on bouncing their eyes away when they come across some temptation. Are we working on bouncing our hearts?

So, you’re married, but you notice the nice guy at work because he’s quiet, has really deep friendships, and is always helping others. Your husband, on the other hand, is always the life of the party and constantly wanting to hang out with new groups of people. I wish my husband was a little more like Mr. X. It’d be great if he had some of those qualities, you think to yourself.

Stop right there, honey. Bounce your heart back to your husband or bad things are on the way. Remind yourself how great it is to have a husband that can walk into any situation and feel comfortable, who makes others feel comfortable too. Forget about Mr. X and how great he is. Focus on your husband and his great qualities instead. Bounce it back, or you'll regret it!

So, you’re single, and you just finished watching The Notebook for the fiftieth time. True love is out there if only Mr. Right would walk up to you. Until then, let’s admit it, you’re pining after every possible Mr. Right, crushing on all the guys that seem to fit, and crushed when they walk on by. Countless hours of your life have been spent on your marriage, and you’re not even married yet.

Stop right there, and bounce your heart back. God will bring things in His timing. In the mean time, work on your relationship with God and your friends. Remind yourself that if you ever do get married, you’ll have to learn to bounce your thoughts (as mentioned above) and start doing that when you notice a cute, single guy now. Rather than plan out your future wedding with him, bounce your thoughts, and enjoy your life today.

Let’s be honest, ladies. Our eyes may not get us in as much trouble, but our hearts certainly do. So, let the heart bouncing begin.

Jamie Lath is a middle child that has no baby picture without her older sister in it. Even with only two siblings, she grew up with family everywhere because all her aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and even second-cousins lived in her hometown. With forty people at her birthday parties (all relatives) and her sister in every picture, she knows a little about community, and it's everlastingness. This has brought most of her ministry focus into meeting people where they're at, listening closely (especially to those who feel voiceless and like no one is listening), and helping them find God's voice in the mix. Jamie graduated with a BA in Communication Studies from the University of North Texas. Following a year of teaching English in China, she returned to the states to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. She received a Th.M. with a focus on Media Arts. Her background in the arts (ballet, writing, and acting) has given her an understanding of how creative expressions can give people a safe place to begin exploring how to use their voice and how it can touch hearts to hear God’s voice. She also blogs at I just called to say "Olive Juice."