
Creative Science Appendix and Resources

Jesus Confirms Genesis

• Jn 2:1-11: Jesus’ first miracle was a creative act – turning water into wine.

Jesus Confirms Genesis

• Jn 2:1-11: Jesus’ first miracle was a creative act – turning water into wine.

• Mt 19:4-6, Mk 10:6: Jesus quotes from Genesis in support of marriage as the sacred joining of a man and a woman into one flesh with the divine purpose of procreation.

• Lk 11:51: Jesus refers to Abel as a real person.

• Mt 24:37-38 & Lk 17:26-27: Jesus confirms the flood is fact and Noah was a real person.

• Jn 5:45-46: Jesus said we should accept the "books of Moses" because Moses wrote about him. Jesus also frequently quoted Moses in all of the gospel accounts.

• Jn 8:56-58: Jesus refers to Abraham as a real historic person.

• Mk 13:19: Jesus confirms God created everything.


Additional New Testament References

• 2 Tim 3:14-17: Be confident in your faith. To do this, be confident in what you believe. Be assured your faith is rational.

• 2 Tim 3:1-7: In the last days there will be those who creep in and start convincing people the creation account is fiction.

• 1 Pe 3:15: People will ask what you believe. Arm yourself with support for your faith. Answer questions about your faith with respect.

• Jas 1:12,17: God is good. He does not change. It is a blessing to be steadfast in this belief.

• Jn 12:42-43: If you don’t know what you believe then you can be deceived and not only fall away yourself, but drag others down with you.

• Mt 12:26: United we stand, divided we fall. There is only one truth and only one bride to Christ.

• Ro 1:24-25: Paul gives us a very clear warning that we must put our faith in the Creator, not the created. The former have hope of eternal life, but the latter are allowed to do as they will to their own demise. You must know what you believe and why.

• Jn 1:1-3,14: John testified to the involvement of Anointed One (Christ) as the Son of God in Creation. In fact, it declares the person of the Son was, as Son of God, with God and it was through the Son that Creation was made.

• Rev 10:5-6: An angel who spoke to John declared that Jesus was in fact the one by whose hand all was created.

• Ro 5:12-15: Paul considered Adam to be a real individual and personally responsible for the fall of man. Here he speaks of sin being universal, with or without a written law. He also indicates Jesus has authority to forgive sin by the free gift of grace. If God set the standard for righteousness then only God can forgive sin (through Christ).

• Gen 1:27: Regardless of whether this means anything about appearance, it definitely means character. Man was created sinless and perfect of character. It was only after man sinned that death came as a result of the sin.

• Heb 1:1-4: Jesus is God’s image. He did what Adam could not, and that was to live his life without disfiguring the character (image) of God. This one short passage says a great deal about Jesus, crediting him with Creation, purification for sin, and superiority over creation.

• Gen 3:22-24: Following Creation, as a result of sin, man was rejected and sent away from the garden and the tree of life.

• Rev 22:1-5: The final event of creation is the restoration of man to God’s image in personal community with God. Our hope is life eternal without the pain and suffering from the curse of Adam.


Other Creation Related Passages (Beyond Genesis)

• Ex 20:11: God said He created everything in six days and rested on the seventh.

• Nu 23:19: God is not a man and does not lie.

• Dt 4:19: We are not to worship creation, not the sun or moon nor stars.

• Dt 4:29-35: By great signs God shows He is not only the Creator, but He loves His creation and is jealous for the love of His creation.

• Job 4:19: We are made of dust.

• Job 9:7-9, 38:31: God stretched out the heavens and made the constellations.

• Ps 8:3: God set the stars in place.

• Ps 89:11: God created the heavens and earth.

• Ps 90:2: God is eternal, the earth had a beginning.

• Ps 94:9: God designed the eye and ear.

• Ps 95:5: God made the sea and dry land.

• Ps 147:4: God numbers and names the stars.

• Ps 148:5: Creation came about by the command of God.

• Pr 8: Wisdom was present throughout the creative process.

• Eccl 3:11: God placed the hope of eternity in men’s souls but prevented him from knowing the details.

• Eccl 12:1: Remember the Creator.

• Is 40:12-31: God is the Creator. He is eternal and above human understanding. He is all powerful and all knowing. He will take care of those who trust Him.

• Is 42:5: God stretched out the heavens.

• Is 43:7: People were created for God’s glory.

• Is 45:5-12: God formed the earth and created man on it, created fruit, stretched out the heavens, and created righteousness.

• Is 45:18: The earth was created to be inhabited.

• Is 50:11: Evolutionists are hell bound.

• Is 65:17-18: God will create a new heavens and new earth.

• Jer 1:5: God knows us before He even forms us in the womb.

• Jer 33:2: God formed the earth.

• Amos 4:13: God made the mountains and the wind

• Amos 5:8: God made constellations and controls sunrise and water.

• Zech 12:1: God made the earth and made man’s spirit.


Bibliography & Other Suggested Resources

• Answer In Genesis

• Institute for Creation Research

• Creation Museum: Cincinnati, OH.

• The Genesis Flood: James Whitcomb and Henry Morris

• Case for a Creator: Lee Strobel

• Spiritual Brain: Beauregard & O’Leary

• Starlight & Time: Russell Humphreys

• The Lie – Evolution: Ken Ham

• After the Flood: Bill Cooper

• Evolution – Challenge of the Fossil Record: Duane Gish

• The World that Perished: James C. Whitcomb

• The Early Earth: James C. Whitcomb

• The Remarkable Record of Job: Henry Morris

• Scientific Creationism: Henry Morris

• One Blood: Ham, Wieland, Batten

• Creation Facts of Life: Gary Parker


  • Stephen J. Drain

    Three things…

    Well, first off, I'm wondering what you are going to write about next… Do you have any ideas? 

    Secondly, I'm only up to part 5 so I have a lot of catching up to do on your series…

    Thirdly, I'm surprised at your claim using Isaiah 50:11 above…. but I will suspend response presently as perhaps you have explained your take on this in one of your other blogs. (To be continued…)


  • Lance Ponder

    Regarding 3 things



    Thanks so much for chiming in to let me know you're reading. Constructive criticism and feedback are always desired, so feel free to question anything. I've pulled together info from a lot of different sources to construct this series, some of it is pretty new and some of it is actually quite old.

    As to what comes next, funny you should ask. I just finished pre-loading the queue for the next few months. The next lot will be original "Good News" messages based on various chapters throughout the bible. I believe that Jesus Christ is revealed throughout scripture. A while back I was given a specific writing challenge to prove this point. This upcoming series is the fruit of that labor. It is quite a departure in style and content from the Creative Science series.

    Regarding Is 50:11, that's interesting you should pull that out. No, since I don't elaborate elsewhere I'll try to write a little here.

    Look, all of you who start a fire
        and who equip yourselves with flaming arrows,
        walk in the light of the fire you started
        and among the flaming arrows you ignited!
        This is what you will receive from me:
        you will lie down in a place of pain.

    In that passage God is challenging unbelievers and in this verse He is speaking to those who hurl flaming accusations against Him. Satan is the great accuser and those who accuse God, judging Him, are in Satan's camp. With the evil they speak against God they will be accused and sentenced by God. I made a rather provocative claim when I said this meant evolutionists hell bound. We are all hell bound until we are redeemed. When I refer to "evolutionists" I am speaking of those who hold a materialistic atheistic disbelief in God and who weild the theory of evolution as a flaming arrow meant for the hearts of believers. These are those who scoff at God's revelation, accusing God of being false. These are those John spoke of who will be sent out and who will face the same fate as the king of accusers, that old devil we call Satan. It may sound provocative, but I'm not saying anything that isn't completely biblical. I am NOT saying the position a person holds in the Creation/evolution debate determines eternal destiny, but I am saying those who deliberately deny God and accuse Him of being a lie or a liar (consider Dawkin's quotes about God being a flying spagetti monster and his statements describing God as evil based on a warped misunderstanding of the Old Testament). It is a sad reality, not a provocative challenge.

  • thom.garrett

    re: Appendix & Resources


    Thanks for compiling this helpful Appendex & Resources list.  I'm with Steve, i'm a little behind on yours and the other men's blog I have been tracking.  They all have been helpful and meaningful.

    Looking forward toward your next set of posts.
